Tarotscopes for the year 2020 (all zodiac signs included)

Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! My New Years was extremely busy so I never really got to writing these, however, now that I got some time in hand, here are messages for 2020 for each zodiac sign. Take these as the overarching themes for the year ahead and see how the messages play out in your life.



These are general messages for us as a collective and I highly recommend that you use the information here as insights and practice awareness rather than move through fear. Take it as a ‘good-to-know’ information and if something resonates along the line, then use the advice and insights in a constructive way.



Many signs are reflecting the energy of change of transformation this year, which can be uncomfortable sometimes. Hence you will find that the themes may sound repetitive for some. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.






Ariens, the predominant energy of this year for you is about seeking more fulfillment and going after your passion. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone and forced to look at new possibilities and avenues. Your soul may crave for something new, something more. This year will also see many of you walking away from connections and situations that are no longer fulfilling and inspiring. You are in pursuit of your passion. You may even go on long journeys and explorations. Solo trips may be your thing and much comfort will be gained from adventurous activities such as hiking and trekking. Your emotions may give you a hard time this year, Ariens. You may experience a sense of aloofness from time to time. It is important that you give yourself some space to recharge and restore your energy. Some of you may go on spiritual explorations and visit more sacred places this year. Where your well-being is concerned, legs and feet may present challenges for some. Depression and mood swings may be common as well so make sure you take good care of yourself.




Taureans, this year will challenge you in a good way. You may find yourself in situations that will test your patience, demanding more effort than usual. You also risk being misunderstood often and so, make sure your communication is filled with tact, clarity, and diplomacy. From time to time, you may even experience conflict within yourself. Seek expert advice when making big decisions in life and stay relaxed. This year, you may even witness some fights and arguments with those around you. You must no doubt learn to stand up for yourself when the situation demands, however, know when to not stoke the fire as well. Having a flexible attitude will be crucial to maintaining peace and balance. You must guard against taking on too much stress and avoid crowded areas and situations whenever possible. You may even face tough competition this year from others so make sure you have brushed up your skills and are always prepared to deliver your best.




Gemstars, this may turn out to be a busy year for many of you cerebral creatures. You may often find yourself conflicted and confused between two or more things. More responsibilities could be entrusted upon on your shoulders which can make life quite hectic. Learn to find time for yourself and take a break when your energy reserves are running low. This year, you must also give serious thought to how you manage your finances. Expenses may run high, however, if you can be rational in your purchases and investments, you may end up successfully saving something for a rainy day. Travel is very much on the cards for you but expect some glitches, delays, and setbacks that can test your patience. This year is about sailing through life’s ups and downs, Gemstars. Do not be discouraged if you hit a low phase for an upward cycle will soon follow. Even if you feel the financial crunch at some point, know that you will find a way to overcome it as well.





Cancerians, this year is about ‘out with the old and in with the new’. Expect big transformations in the form of change, transitioning, and sometimes even endings. It may seem at times that life is being unfair and dealing you the worst cards, but remember – the changes that you will witness this year will open the pathway to new beginnings and possibilities for you. Difficult circumstances are likely to come to an end and some of you may even abandon old ways of doing things in exchange for the new. One piece of advice that you must take Cancerians is to not get too attached to the past. Do not pine for second chances in relationships and situations that have initially proven to be toxic to your well-being. By doing so, you will be limiting your scope and stalling your progress. This is a year where you must break free of dependency. Karma clearing will take place in a big way for you and you are finally ready to bid adieu to an old cycle of discomfort. Make sure you practice good karma as well for what you do now will impact your future in a significant way.




Leos, this year will bring you prestige, appreciation, and fame. Your past efforts are likely to pay off allowing you to receive the appreciation that you so genuinely deserve. I also sense that many of you will be valuing your freedom and growing stronger in your power in moments of aloneness. You will no longer be shy or inhibited in putting yourself out in the world and this will win you admiration, respect, and success. World travel is also on the cards for some of you roaring Lions. You may even travel overseas for work, education, or another important purpose. There could be issues about self-acceptance and body image that may come up for a few of you this year. If you have struggled in these areas in the past, this year requires you to break out of your mold and shine. This is your year to shine, after all. When it comes to your well-being, you may be prone to feeling sad and depressed, despite having it all, Leos. You must remain centered in the present moment and not give in to flights of fancy that could distract you from your true purpose. Stop looking back at the past and missing the old. A new cycle awaits.




Virgos, a brilliant year awaits you, if you are willing to take action and lead. Not only do I see you doing well this year, but you will also be the recipient of fame and glory which you will earn through your efforts and a ‘make-it-happen’ attitude. The Universe will give you everything you need to be successful, however, are you going to use all these gifts and resources? Only you get to decide that. Start believing in your abilities and stop procrastinating. Your manifesting skills are amplified this year, Virgos, and you may even notice that your desires stand more chance of coming into reality. Dream a sweet dream and don’t let negative thoughts take home in your mind. You will need to brush up your conversational skills and persuasiveness Virgos, as people are likely to fall for your charming ways and say ‘Yes’. When it comes to your health, hand, head, and shoulders are the areas that may present some trouble. Take care and tend to any symptoms at the earliest.




Librans, this year, you must recognize the good in everything and constantly strive to seek the positive, even in a negative situation. Self-care is extremely important and you must practice awareness to identify when you are succumbing to negative thoughts. Some losses may be inevitable, however, life will always present you with new options and opportunities even in the brink of a seemingly disappointing situation. Do not let your emotions get the best of you. Some of you may develop a tendency to brood in past failures which can alienate you from others and from all that the present moment has to offer. Emotionally too, you must take care to see that you are not allowing anyone to take advantage of your kindness. Surround yourself with positive, upbeat, and supportive people and cut away from the drama kings and queen with maudlin behavioral tendencies. You are very likely to absorb others’ energies like a sponge, Librans, so make sure you find a way to cleanse, detach, and cut cords whenever your energy stars feeling dense. When it comes to health and well-being, you must guard against alcoholism and depression (often the two can be connected). Seek help when necessary and have an optimistic approach towards life. Avoid overuse of the color black.




Scorpios, this seems like a transitory year for you from the difficult times towards calmer and happier ones. There are big lessons lined up on your journey and sometimes, they will come through dead-end situations. Life may try and teach you to practice acceptance. Do not linger in the aftermath of a difficult situation for too long. Move forward and onward.  Many of you will need to focus on sorting through and healing issues of the past. You may be carrying a lot of sorrow and unprocessed grief from the past which needs to be dealt with this year. The Universe will gift you with backup and support whenever you most need it and help you navigate through tough times with ease. Life is pushing you towards a new beginning, Scorpions. Don’t cling to the past. This year will also see many of you moving places and relocating. When it comes to your general health, leg aches, travel sickness, hand aches, and back issues could be common for your zodiac this year.





Archers, this year, you must work on taming your inner beast and work through internal conflicts to find structure, peace, and joy in your external life. Your strength could be put to test and it will aid in your growth and development. Results may not come easily and hard work will be needed to prove your worth and deservingness. You may naturally feel inclined to give more to others Archers, however, you also stand the danger of giving too much to too many who may not value your assistance. Invest your energy wisely and choose who must get your love, attention, and support and who shouldn’t. Aggression is not the way to accomplishing your goals this year. A relaxed and mature attitude will be needed to get what you want. It is okay to bend the rules a little and be less rigid if it can help you.  Neck and back pain may affect some of you and hence, you must take care to see that you are not straining these parts of the body too much. Pay attention to your posture as well.




Capricorns, this year, the sky is the limit. You have strong ambitions which will lead you towards new doors. You are being urged to start exploring life more and look at new avenues. This is a year of possibilities and growth. It is about forging new connections and expanding your reach. Stop limiting yourself by getting too comfortable in one place. This is also a favorable year to start a new business or add a new venture to an existing one but make sure good planning has gone into everything you do and that you are not just taking on something based on a whim. This year also favors partnerships and new alliances for some of you in both romantic and professional life. Focus on your long-term goals and get working towards them. Work-related travel may happen quite frequently this year and keep you on the go. If studying overseas is on your mind, you can make it happen. If you are single and ready to mingle, you will need to put yourself out there and be open to exploring new connections, different from your usual types. Chances of meeting someone online are extremely high.




Aquarians, this year is likely to present you with new opportunities and avenues, but how attentive are you going to be towards them? You will need to adopt an active and inspired attitude towards life and cut down on slacking. A closed frame of mind can become your worse attribute this year and can blind you to new and exciting possibilities. You may frequently experience boredom and lethargy, Aquarians, and therefore it is important that you find ways to keep yourself motivated and amused. Adopting a healthy lifestyle will do you a world of good and reignite your lost passion for many things. Avoid sitting in one place for too long and keep moving. Say ‘No’ to a sedentary lifestyle which could be the culprit behind weight gain for some. An attitude of gratitude will be very important this year, Aquarians. Appreciate and value the blessings in your life and you will make space for more to keep flowing.




Pisceans, this year’s energy is about tearing down the old and rebuilding your life in a new way. Lots of unexpected changes may take you in by surprise and change your perception about life. If something is not meant to be, it will dissolve this year (probably in a pretty dramatic way). That being said Pisceans, you must guard against anger and aggression as it can often lead to unpleasant consequences and damage relationships beyond repair. You may even be more susceptible to falls and minor injuries so be present in the moment and take care. When it comes to your body and general health, issues related to heat may create discomfort this year. From hot-headedness to hot flashes, make sure you find ways to remain calm and keep your body cool. Blood-related issues may also do the rounds for some. It is best to avoid making investments when a lot of money is at stake however, if you have no choice, do so only after careful considerations. Partnerships of all kinds may pose challenges as well.





Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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