New Moon Guidance for 6th – 7th December, 2018

Beautiful Souls,


We are in the vicinity of a powerful New Moon which will occur around the 6th and the 7th. As per Vedic astrology, the moon has entered the realms of Scorpio and will remain there for the course of this New Moon. It is also joining Mercury (which is about to finish it’s retrograde motion tomorrow), Jupiter, and the Sun forming a powerful stellium. This is a powerful time in the cosmos and one where a lot of emotional unrest could come up for us. The way I see it, Moon can trigger your fears and play with buried emotions, the Sun will shine the areas that you need to address, and Jupiter will help you extract the lessons and integrate them. Mercury in retrograde will also hold the space for you to review, release, and heal.

I drew cards for this upcoming phase and lo and behold, Lord Ganesha brings us the most precise guidance in two words – Positive outlook. Your mind can play some nasty tricks on you. Your emotions can overwhelm you. You may find it hard to stay focused in the present as your past and the unseen future starts claiming too much time, space and energy.

The way I am planning to/already coping with this phase is by creating an atmosphere of peace at home, by consciously choosing the music I listen to (chants and soothing tunes), carefully choosing the people I let into my space, making more time for meditation and deep breathing (especially when anxiety kicks in), reading uplifting and empowering content online/offline and cuddling with my fur babies. What are your methods of coping with this energy? Please feel free to share.

If you have started feeling this emotional unrest already, don’t let it overwhelm you or trick into exaggerating your fears and illusions. Look what the Hanged Man is guiding us to do – Surrender. The Hanged man’s views of the world and his circumstances are distorted right now. He is seeing things upside down and bear in mind, you too could be picking up a distorted view of your reality and taking it to be the truth. Pause, breathe, and no matter how difficult your emotions right now, let them go.


In simple words, this new moon cycle is about staying focused in the present, not letting your past or thoughts of the future scare you, willfully getting into the energy of non-action (don’t act on impulse or let others push your buttons), surrender what you cannot change or control, and become an observer of your emotions. They will pass.

Scorpio energy is sometimes dreaded because it can be too much to handle for some. But mine for the wisdom in your experience. Let your experience, however bad it may seem to be, teach and empower you. Let your experience help bring positive changes and more discipline in your life.

Be safe and take care of yourself, beautiful souls.

Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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