Pick a card for 10th to 16th December, 2018



Hey Beautiful Soul! Thank you for being here. This is a week ahead guidance post where you get to choose your guidance by picking a card from the below image. Make yourself comfortable, relax, and let your intuition guide you to the message that will serve you well this upcoming week.


For this week, I am using the Rider Tarot deck and the Archangels Oracle cards.



If you would like to book a reading for guidance on a personal matter, I am available from Monday to Saturday for e-mail, phone, and live readings. You can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries.

So if you have chosen your number, let’s get started. Scroll down to read the relevant message and feel free to share and leave a comment, if this post was helpful.




If you were drawn to the number 1 or the card on left, your Tarot card is the 10 of cups upright and your Archangel message for the week is ‘Career Transition’ from Archangel Chamuel.


Things are coming together for you this week, beautiful soul. With the 10 of cups, I am seeing emotional healing, fulfillment of a dream, and deeper bonding with those you love. Family and loved ones come to the forefront. There is an opportunity for you to heal old wounds, and strengthen your bonds.

On an emotional level, this week bodes well for matters of the heart. If you are in the stage of planning a family, go ahead and take the big leap. If you are single, chances of meeting a worthy partner are high. Set new intentions and invite love on an energetic level. You could even call on Archangel Chamuel’s assistance in this matter. You may even have the chance to get together or reunite with your loved ones. Make room for healing and forgiveness so that you can start a fresh chapter.

Archangel Chamuel also brings you the message of ‘career transition’. For many of you, this is an indication to embrace the changes and opportunities that are showing up for you in your work area. Pay attention to the inspiring ideas, the nudge to move or apply for a new job, or simply surrender to the changes that are occurring in this area. With the 10 of cups, I am sensing that changes in your work situation ensure that you are able to live more comfortably and provide a better future for your loved ones. So take guided action.

Work on clearing and healing your heart chakra this week. Let go of old wounds, bring the walls down within your heart, and open yourself to new opportunities in every possible way.

Affirmation: I open my heart to receiving the abundance of the Universe. I am ready to live a life that is aligned with my heart’s desires.





If you were drawn to the number 2 or the middle card, your Tarot card is the 3 of cups reversed and your Archangel message for the week is ‘Brilliant Idea!’ from Archangel Uriel.

Trust your ideas and instincts this week, beautiful soul. Don’t get influenced by others opinions and experiences. Your journey is unique to you and sometimes, following the calling of your heart means you may disappoint a few people out there. Still, believe in yourself and charge ahead.

On an emotional level, make time only for conscious connections this week. Set your priorities straight and be more mindful of who you give your time and energy to. Trouble could brew in friendships or you may even have a fallout with someone (ah, frenemies). May all your interactions come from a place of love and honesty. If someone doesn’t appreciate your honesty, don’t compromise your position for them. It may be time to cut some ties and move forward.

When it comes to career, business, and work, Archangel Uriel brings to you the guidance to act on your ideas and instincts. A situation may not turn out as expected but don’t let this bring you down. It may be time to embrace a new idea, put a new strategy into place, or move from your existing situation to a new and better one. Take action.

This week, work on healing your solar plexus and throat chakra. You need to build up your confidence levels, feel self-assured and secure in your skin, and muster the courage needed to take some bold steps. Don’t let others dampen your spark. Go out there and shine your light.

AffirmationI believe in myself. I trust my intuition. I am enough. I choose connections that strengthen me.





If you were drawn to the number 3 or the last card, your Tarot card is the Page of swords and your Archangel message for the week is ‘Peace’ from Archangel Chamuel.

Clarity of thought is needed this week. Just because you think you know the best way forward, doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best way forward. Avoid acting from a place of immaturity and impulse. Keep all your interactions peaceful.

Even though we have the page of swords in an upright position, there is still room for mistakes with this young chap. You may have a tendency to piss off others with your views, opinions, and perhaps even unfiltered words. Take it slow when it comes to making decisions and communicating important matters in both your personal and professional relationships.

There is an opportunity this week for you to clear the confusion and offer the olive branch to someone. Instead of acting defensively against others, act from a place of understanding. Minor disagreements could also mark the week ahead. Choose your battles wisely.

Even in a work situation, resist the urge to jump the gun, bite off more than you can chew, or talk with limited information in hand. You may only disappoint yourself. Curiosity is a good thing. But don’t let this make you push people’s wrong buttons. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn new things.

Focus on clearing, healing and strengthening your Solar plexus, heart, and crown chakras this week. A clear mind and an open heart with loss of unnecessary ego can work wonders.


Affirmation I radiate inner peace and love. The more I learn, the more I grow.

Have a blessed week ahead, beautiful soul.

Sonnyaa Siingh 



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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