Pick a card for 17th to 23rd December, 2018



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here!


This past week squeezed the living out of me. My older cat, Onyx, had a case of diarrhea and his blood test revealed slightly elevated levels of BUN and creatinine (kidney stuff) which brought on a whole range of emotions within me. My earlier post about the 5 of cups this week on my Facebook page was mainly about him and this experience taught me how to value life, relationships, and connections more. Onyx is on a renal diet for now and finger’s crossed, all should be well. I spoke to some wonderful people last week who supported me emotionally and my takeaway from this experience was to not give too much power to negative thoughts, surrender to the Divine in times of crisis but also to not lose my shit, understand that life and death is part and parcel of this human experience and sometimes, the best that we can do is stay strong and be at ease with whatever is naturally meant to unfold. I made more time to elevate my spiritual connection and thereby work on inner peace. We always have so much to learn and implement in our lives, don’t we? I hope your week hasn’t been as hellish as mine.


Coming to next week’s message, before we jump to card picking, I decided to draw a collective card for us to tap into the energy that will be at play next week. And our card for next week is the King of Cups.



My dear friend, this week too can bring about some emotionally tense moments for you. I am seeing some ups and downs which can affect your mood and state of being. But you have been here before, haven’t you? And you have learned some new lessons on how to manage and navigate through times like these. Use those lessons and skills to deal with any unpleasant situation that may come up. Emotional maturity is needed next week and you will have to work on grounding your emotions so that they don’t drown you in excess of feelings.



Silence is said to be golden. But to silence your inner critic during troubling times can be a challenge. This is where a mindfulness practice such as meditation comes in handy. You may have a practice of your own that helps you find inner peace. Whatever works for you, put it into place more often next week. Some people will benefit from seeking support from others. Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone who can comfort you and gently guide you back to the place of objectivity and stillness. This could be your counselor, grandfather/mother, best friend, a healer, mother, sister, brother, etc.


We are in the Holiday season and so there will be some meet and greets, bondings, and good times, too. It will be easier to express yourself and engage in some heart to heart. I do want to stress the importance of watching your diet and keeping indulgences in check this week. Especially some of you who are prone to spoiling yourself with emotional eating and comfort foods. Financially too, this week is about not getting carried away. That holiday shopping list can be long but be more mindful of the items and things you purchase. It is not necessary and definitely not important to keep up with the Joneses.


And last but not the least, HEAL. There is always some part of us that is need of healing. Some aspect of our life where we need to step up and embrace our full power. When you identify this part of your self, do not hesitate to bare it all and make space for healing. Just know that you are not alone and support will come when you are open to it.


With that, I wish you a happy week ahead. Let us now get to picking some cards for the week ahead. Make yourself comfortable, relax, and let your intuition guide you to the message that will serve you well this upcoming week.




If you would like to book a reading for guidance on a personal matter, I am available from Monday to Saturday for e-mail, phone, and live readings. You can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries.


So if you have chosen your number, let’s get started. Scroll down to read the relevant message and feel free to share and leave a comment, if this post was helpful.



If you picked the number 1, your message comes from the Knight of Wands.


This knight of wands brings to mind the energy of someone who is reckless and who enjoys living life on the edge.



You may need to keep your over-enthusiasm in check this week. There is nothing wrong with having some fun and seeking a little thrill in life from time to time as long as you know where to draw the lines. Though you may be feeling all excited and raring to go, the guidance for you is to slow down, center your energy and approach situations in your life from a calm and composed place. Remember, fire can both warm and burn us.





When it comes to your health and well-being, frustration could lead to anxiety. The temptation to over-indulge may also be high. Stop looking for shortcuts and short-term solutions to your problems. Engage in practices that can help you stay calm and make clear decisions. Drive responsibly.


If you are open to dating, then the ‘Knight of wands’ is someone to be a little cautious of. Sure he/she can show you a great time. But this person is hard to pin down. So enjoy it while it lasts but if you are looking for a serious relationship, careful with the type of people you meet this week.


If life has turned mundane, add a dash of fun to it. Find ways to cope up with boredom and frustration. Head out on a trip or hang out with some good friends.


In a work scenario, too, don’t make commitments that you may fail to keep. While everyone will appreciate your energy and ideas, make sure you are thorough with what you are presenting/offering and keep an eye out for details.




If you picked the number 2, your card is 8 of blades.


You may be searching for magic in your life without knowing that magic lies within you.




This week can come across as a bit overwhelming for you. You may be searching for a release and maybe even desperately trying to break out of the humdrum existence. There could be a sense of boredom, frustration, and not knowing how to move forward from where you are.


First things first, stop ignoring the real problems in your life. Pay attention to matters that are seeking your attention and resolve them. Do not get too lost in flights of fancies by giving your mind a free rein. Instead of viewing your situation as a dead-end, find ways to work through it. Every seemingly bad situation has something good in it. Look for this ‘something good’ in your situation and allow it to empower you to overcome your challenges one by one.


Self-care practices are strongly recommended this week. Maybe you are too busy taking care of others to the point that you have forgotten how to take care of your self. Show yourself some love and give your body and mind some pampering. Obsessive thinking can make you moody and spread melancholia. So take care to see that you are not over-thinking everything.



On an emotional level, you will highly benefit from a positive environment. Seek supportive friends, people, and even groups to help you cope with your situation. Or, just step out and breathe in some fresh air. The woman in this card looks trapped inside the house with a child and a dog. While she cannot abandon them, maybe and just maybe, she could take them all out or hire a nanny and go watch a movie or add some me-time to her calendar, right? She could do so much to gain a fresh perspective. But will she try? You are in this place this week, my friend. The possibilities are endless but you have to break the shackles of limited thinking and try.


Like I was saying earlier, the magic is within you. The power is within you to turn any unpleasant situation around. It may all not happen overnight. But you certainly don’t have to feel like a victim and live an anxiety-ridden life. You can start by exploring your options and taking things one step at a time to overcome your mental challenges first, no matter where you are on your journey.



If you chose the number 3, your card is the King of Blades.


The King of Blades reminds you of the importance of practical thinking and objectivity this week. He brings you the guidance to not let emotions cloud your judgment. To cut through the confusion with clarity and stay focused. Your determination and resolution to get things done will help you get things done. So approach all important matters and tasks with unwavering focus.



When it comes to your emotions, Spirit is urging to you let go of resentments. Holding grudges for past actions and replaying unpleasant experiences constantly in your mind is not helping you. Bitterness could be turning you cold and this season emphasizes on the need for forgiveness and healing. Forgiveness is the way to your healing so let go of past failures and don’t spend too much time focusing others or your shortcomings.


You may be also dealing with authority figures and matters where you are seeking justice. If you are embroiled in a legal situation, this week will be crucial. The vibe of justice is in the air. Otherwise, stay objective, clear, and keep your facts in check when dealing with important matters. A serious attitude is needed and intelligence will win the day.



When it comes to health and healing, focus on the facts and the tell-tale signs that are urging you to make life changes that are important for your well-being.


I hope these messages serve you well this week. Wishing  you a blessed week ahead, beautiful soul.


~ Namaste ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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