Pick a card for 24th to 30th December, 2018



Hey Beautiful Souls!


How is ’tis holiday season treating you? Are you having a good time? And if you are not in high spirits, are you taking good care of yourself?

I want to start this weekly guidance message with some ‘Weekly rambling’. And I want to start by talking about the card that I drew for us last week – King of cups. In retrospect, this past week for me was very King of cup-pish. The eating, wining-dining, shopping, meeting some amazing friends with an open heart chakra, breaking down a few illusory and emotional barriers, getting away from the workaholic mode and having some fun were all part and parcel of my week. I can totally resonate with the King of cups persona and I hope there are more ‘King of cups’ moments in my life. How did last week’s message play out for you? Let me know in the comments.

Let us now take a peek at what my guides want us to know about our week ahead.


Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle



And the card we have for next week is the 8 of swords. This card evokes a feeling of one being a prisoner of self-limiting beliefs. I often see this card in my readings when someone is not ready to move forward, is reluctant to make the necessary changes for their own growth, and are being stubborn with their beliefs, sometimes to the point of being delusional.



My dear friends reading this message, I want you to recognize if you are feeling, acting, or being this way in the coming week. What story are you repeating in your head? Is it helping you or hindering you? Is it making you obsessed and upset or happy and empowered? Sometimes, we feel we are ready for a change and in right place to heal. But the question is, are you taking the responsibility for your happiness, personal well-being and growth? Are you even making room for change and healing?

I suggest that you approach this week with an open mind and don’t give any power to the negative thoughts that make you feel weak and incapable. I want you to muster the strength to break negative mental patterns. If you are used to thinking and reacting a certain way and this way has never helped you, then take responsibility to break out of this pattern and develop a new perspective.

Sometimes, poor self-esteem and inferiority complex is at the root of feeling like the lady in the 8 of swords. You fail to realize your own potential and you keep telling yourself – I don’t think I can do that. I am not good at this. I wish I was good enough for that. I don’t think I deserve it. My life sucks. If only I was good enough to even try doing that. It’s all karma and that’s why I am going to suffer.


Ugh! Do you want to give away your power to ‘karma’ or these stinking beliefs? Listen, you will never know unless you try. But if you are not even trying then you are to be blamed and not karma. This week, dear friend, I want you to start thinking more of yourself. Work on building your confidence levels and self-esteem. Don’t put yourself in situations where you feel helpless and taken advantage of. Don’t waste your time and energy chasing someone or something that is not worthy of your attention and is not bringing you any joy.

One last note, clear misunderstandings. Don’t live in your own fantasy world. Don’t assume. If something didn’t strike as right to you, get answers. Seek clarity and guidance.

The only person that can stop you from being fully present and happy is YOU. It is not the other person who left you, cheated on you, betrayed you or parted ways. Someone else’s actions can impact you but you get to decide whether you want to continue feeling like a victim or go live your best life and conquer new dreams.





Let us now get to the part where you pick a card for the week ahead. Since this is the last week of 2018, I wanted to use Angel cards for guidance. Whenever you are ready, pick a card that draws your attention and scroll down to read the corresponding message.

If you would like to book a reading for guidance on a personal matter, I am available most but not all days of this week for e-mail, phone, and live readings. You can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries.









If you chose 1, your message is ‘Joy’.

Beautiful Soul, this week is about seeking and spreading joy. This time of year can bring up a whole bunch of emotions for us. But you see, joy and happiness is not something you find outside. It is an emotion that emanates from within you. And the best way to make contact with this emotion is to be appreciative of the gifts and blessings that are currently a part of your life. And so, I encourage you to focus your attention this week on all the things that make you happy. Of course, there will be things which will make you sad as well. But when that happens, gently shift your focus to the present moment and its gifts. It could be something as simple as being alive and healthy.




This week, engage in activities that raise your vibration. Do something fun and enlivening. Give yourself a break from all the mundane activities and find ways to enjoy life. You deserve to do so. Even if you are alone and aren’t really feeling the holiday vibes, go out and create that vibe for yourself. You are all you need and when you are flowing in this energy of joy, you will start attracting positive situations and people to yourself.



If you chose 2, your message is ‘Ask’.

Make time to connect deeply with your spiritual side this week, lovelies. Some of you may find yourself in uncomfortable or confusing situations. Don’t worry or panic when that happens. Just breathe and know that there is a higher power ready to come to your aid when you call. There are divine helpers waiting to offer assistance and show you the way. You just need to ask and open yourself to receiving help.



The second thing to pay attention to is signs. Have an open mind as you enter this week and know that answers can come in the most unexpected of ways and from the most unexpected of places. Your intuitive muscles will be offering you plenty of food for thought so don’t dismiss the powerful nudges your receive.



If you chose 3, your message is ‘Let your past go’.

That can be so hard to practice sometimes, innit? But then again, what good are we doing to ourselves by holding onto stuff that is clearly not meant to be of any help to us during this phase of our journey? Instead, holding too tight could be making you feel insecure, helpless, and upset.



Whatever it is that you need to walk away from and let go, this week is the perfect time to do it. As the year comes to a close, make a fresh start for yourself by eliminating things that need to go. This could be an ex, a dead relationship that you are hanging onto, a situation from the past that you need to forgive, or simply memories of a difficult time that you have been playing over and over on your mind. With full forgiveness and a firm resolute, say goodbye to things that are bringing down your vibration and open yourself to a brand new chapter of your life. Until you are ready to let go of the old, you cannot make place for anything new.


I hope these messages serve you well, lovelies. Merry X’mas to All and Thank you for being a part of my journey.


Namaste and Blessings



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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