Happy New year, Beautiful Souls! Hope you had a good start to the year and that this new year brings you new opportunities of growth and success. I had a busy one but I enjoyed it as I was busy working and partying afterward. It was a mix of both work and play.


I apologize for the delay in posting these messages. Here they are and I hope these serve useful and inspirational during this month.

Of course, these are general messages for the collective zodiac signs and you can use them for your Rising and Moon signs as well. If you would like a personal reading, you can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries. Alright! Onto the messages now.


Dear Aries, discomfort is leading towards a positive shift this month. To many of you, matters related to career and finances will be important. You may be unhappy with where you are in your career at present. Or, you may notice that you are feeling drawn towards a new path and a new way of working. Whatever this shift feels like, pay heed and take action. If your finances have been in a mess lately, help is on its way. Take time to contemplate big investment decisions. There is a very strong chance of relocation, travel or a move for some of you this month. This change brings blessings so don’t stay stuck and prepare to move forward.



Dear Taurus, your love life is going to be under the spotlight in January. You may notice that a positive shift is occurring in your existing relationship or it is very much possible that a new romantic adventure is on the horizon for the singletons. Work on opening and healing your heart chakra and do not be afraid of giving – this could mean giving your time, energy, and efforts towards a relationship or a person. I also see that the Universe is going to be generous towards you this month. If you have prayed for help or blessings, this is the time where unexpected help could arrive. You are in the flow of receiving. Enjoy this month’s energy, dear Taureans.


Dear Gemini, remember how we are often told that divine timing is at play and everything will happen when the timing is right? Well, I have a message for you. Your perfect timing is here, this month. New opportunities could be offered to you or you may receive the inspiration to take action towards something that is close to your heart. Do not hesitate to move forward. Be lead by your heart and walk through the new doors that are opening up for you. A kindred soul may show up in your life to offer you assistance. Allow this person to help and guide you. In a romantic scenario, if a loving soul with an open heart chakra shows up in your life, invite them in.



Dear Cancerian, a new path is being presented to you this month. Walk through it. I feel like a great financial opportunity or a promising situation could come up for you in January. But your attitude decides whether you want to take what you get and make something out of it or turn a blind eye towards it. This is the eclipse season and it looks like the Lunar eclipse this month on the 20th is a potent time for you to set your desires into your motion as Moon is your ruler. Use this cosmic timing wisely. I am also seeing that the time has come for some of you to emotionally detach from a situation and walk away. Whatever this situation, it is failing to bring you joy and a sense of purpose. Either take some time away to be by yourself or completely let go and welcome new opportunities.


Dear Leo, your strength is being tested this month. A confusing situation may present itself leading to mental unrest. You may find yourself in a quandary and it is advised that you take very good care of yourself as emotions could run amok. Do not give away your power to someone else. If a person is bringing about this sense of confusion in your life, step away for a while to gather your wits. You may feel powerless from time to time but your divine guidance is assuring you that you are more than capable of navigating through this testing time. Trust yourself more and adopt the spirit of a fighter. You are after all the King of the zodiac.



Dear Virgo, just like Leos, you too are being encouraged to trust your abilities to resolve any challenging situation that may present itself this month. You need to have more confidence in yourself in order to succeed. January may not turn out to be the easiest of months for you. Emotional strength is needed and you should rely more on your instincts. I also feel the best way for you to proceed this month is to not resist change even if change looks chaotic. Yes, you will need to shake up some old foundations and this is not always pleasant. You could hurt others and you could be saying good bye to old connections. But you are in the midst of a transition. Transitions require one to be bold and fearless. Prepare for an intense month but also remember that the changes are allowing you to create a life of your choosing.


Dear Libra, you may be feeling dissatisfied about some dreams and prayers not being answered this month. But your divine reminder is asking you to be patient. Patience can be so hard to practice sometimes, right? But it always feels worth it in the end. Be patient with yourself and others. Do not make decisions in the heat of the moment that you may come to regret later. Many of you may feel the need to alienate yourself this month but what will best help you is to reach out and hang out with close friends, loved ones, or the community that supports you. Isolating yourself is not the solution. Yes, you could leave the problems aside for some time and come back to it later. But in the meantime, allow helpful, kindred souls to lift your spirits and cheer you up.


Dear Scorpio, your divine reminder is to allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor this month. Don’t make it an ‘all work, no play’ month. Practice gratitude and appreciation for how far you have come and make time for self-care and joyous activities. Having said that, yes, I do see that new projects are taking off this month and more work is coming your way. This is a good time to plan for the months ahead. What you choose to do now (or not do) will determine your success rate during the fall season. So plant the right seeds now. I also feel like rewards and appreciation that are due will come to you in January bringing you not only more happiness but also a strong sense of security.



Dear Sagittarius, partnerships are highlighted this month for you. Trust your instincts to be guided towards the right people and partnerships this month, whether in business or personal life. If you are single, chances of finding a new romantic connection are high. You may have already met someone who makes your heart flutter, as well. If you are receiving a strong yes inside for this person, trust and follow this feeling. The same applies to all other partnerships in your life this month. You are meeting some really helpful and powerful people this month who want to help you and share the same vision as you. Join hands with them. There is one more reminder for some of you – love your individuality. Do not change your ideas, style, or beliefs to please others. Be yourself because you are amazing and you will attract situations and people that are perfect for you.


Here’s wishing a happy birthday to all the wonderful, hardworking Capricorns this month. I am not surprised to see that this is also going to be a busy month for you guys knowing how seriously you take your responsibilities. Too many tasks can weigh you down and keep you on your toes. But your divine reminder (no surprises here) is to lay down these responsibilities from time to time to catch a breath and have some fun. Indulge yourself, Cappies. You deserve it! Giving yourself some release will also help you see things ahead more clearly. There is also a message for you to keep going and be patient while the Universe answers your prayers. Divine timing is at hand where certain requests are concerned. Wait and you will not be disappointed.



Happy Birthday to the lovely Aquarians who have a birthday this month. Aquashines, love is all around you in all its forms and its full glory. This is a month where I see many of you receiving proposals or proposing someone. Someone from your past may show up in your life under a positive light, as well. And I am not going hold back from saying that if you are seeking a serious commitment, chances of meeting that long-term partner this month are high. Even in established relationships, a sense of renewal is washing over many of you. Enjoy the blissful moments that the Universe has in store for you this month. On a more mundane level, be open to new offers and opportunities, Aquarians. This offer brings you emotional satisfaction and rewards. Say Yes!


Dear Pisces, with two eclipses this month (Solar and Lunar), your divine reminder is urging you to open your heart and practice forgiveness. You are carrying some emotional pain which is preventing you from moving forward and making progress. When you read the word forgiveness, who is popping into your mind? Work on letting this person/situation go with love and blessings. It’s crazy how unforgiveness can block manifestation from sometimes and you will find that once you clear all the emotional debris, things will start coming together for you. I am also seeing that some of you are seeking greater security in your relationships and yet are chasing people who cannot offer this to you. Cut them loose.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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