Pick a card for 7th to 13th January, 2019


Hey Gorgeous Souls,


How is the start of this brand New Year treating you? I am taking it slow and easy. Today, we have a New Moon which brings us the perfect time to release all the things that are hindering us or that we are done with. And with a Solar eclipse, the energies will be stronger than usual.

Coming to our weekly guidance message for the collective, I drew some cards for us all and here’s what showed up – The 3 of swords in reverse and Sensitivity.


I like seeing the 3 of swords in reverse as it’s distressing impacts are lessened and it indicates that we are now healing from a painful or disappointing situation. So yes, if you have undergone a painful experience recently and are reeling from its after-effects, you may feel a lot better this coming week. You will start gathering your strength and cutting through the illusions. You will begin recovering from a setback. The pain will slowly start dissolving. But this doesn’t mean you are ready to jump right back into the world with an open heart. You still need time to heal and give yourself plenty of love, nurturing, and care. Take it easy and be gentle with yourself.
I am sure many of you have found yourself in a phase where you get irked by the smallest of annoyances. Sometimes, we are less tolerant of others shortcomings and our emotions start running all over the place. We get easily irritated and most often, our loved ones are at the receiving end of our madness. This upcoming week could give rise to such feelings within you. We, as a collective, are sensitive to absorbing energy and this could make us feel low on energy, angry, and maybe even volatile. Again, the advice here for you is to watch your reactions. Step back from acting in the heat of the moment. Reconsider your actions and words. There is a good chance that you may end up hurting others or saying things that can lead to regrets if you don’t control your urge to act impulsively.
This upcoming week, slow down a little. Give yourself the gift of love, care, and rest. Honor your feelings. Honor others feelings as well. Don’t force yourself to do things that you feel less enthusiastic about. Avoid hanging out with people who drain you. Avoid eating food that makes you lazy and is unhealthy. Only you can make space for your healing and recovery and it always start with small steps. Take those small steps now. This week is about putting your needs first and honoring your body’s natural rhythm.
Let us now get to your individual guidance messages for the week ahead. Did you choose a number or card? Scroll down to read the message.


If you chose the number 1, your cards are ‘Brilliant idea’ and Tower in reverse.
The words I heard when I saw these cards were – From chaos comes order. I feel like your energy is shifting in a big way this upcoming week. You are receiving new ideas and the energy and passion to go after your heart’s desire. But this also means first you will have to do away with old patterns and ways of doing things. Do not resist change this week. Do not hold yourself back from doing what you are feeling passionately drawn towards doing. Even if this means saying good-bye to old methods, techniques, beliefs, and maybe even some people who have finished playing their part on your life’s journey.
Do not resist change. Take action and charge ahead in the direction that is calling you out.




If you chose number 2, your cards are ‘Victory’ and Queen of cups.

Such beautiful cards for the week ahead, lovelies. Your victory is assured, whether you can see this or not right now. Things are beginning to fall in place for you. Trust and patiently watch the process unfold. I also feel like many of you will receive some news that will bring you joy and fulfillment. Having said that, the Queen of cups in her upright position is someone who is very much in touch with her emotions. This week’s energy will help you open your heart and heal so that you can live life more fully and joyously. If difficult emotions come up, remember that this is only so you can find a way to let them go and be free. When you make space for new by letting go of the old, it’s amazing how synchronicity starts aligning divine occurrences in your life.






If you chose the number 3, your cards are ‘Relationship Harmony’ and Page of wands.

Lovelies, this week brings to you the chance to work on healing and balancing your relationships. This need not be a love relationship but can be any significant relationship in your life that needs your attention right now. A relationship that has been passing through testing waters may begin showing improvements for some while some relationships may reveal their true nature to you allowing you to get clear on your next action steps. Sometimes, we can be on the wrong side of things too. If your actions have hurt or upset another, firstly, forgive yourself and then work on making things right. In the end, whatever happens, know that it is only for your highest good whether this means losing someone or reinstating your connection with someone. I also feel that this could turn out to be an interesting week for singles who are ready to mingle.

I hope these messages serve you well this upcoming week. If you found this message helpful, don’t forget to share it.

Have a blessed week ahead, Loves!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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