Pick a card for 14th to 20th January, 2019

Hello, my dear friends,



Thank you for joining me on another week’s guidance messages. In this post, we are going to look at the collective energy at play next week and also give you the chance to pick a card to read your personal message for the week ahead. These are general readings for the collective so if you are here, chances are that there is something in these messages to help you on your path ahead. If you are interested in purchasing a personal reading with me, I offer readings via e-mail and skype as well. You can find all the details here – Buy a Tarot reading.


For this week’s collective message, I am using the Rider Tarot and the Enchanted Map Oracle cards by Colette Baron Reid. Our cards for the upcoming week of 14th to 20th January 2019 are The Empress in reverse and the message ‘Follow the leader’ in reverse.



I never liked reading reversed cards in the past. But now that I have opened myself to it, I can see how much wisdom can come from reversals. With two reversed cards for the coming week, we have work to do.


It is important to get our act together this week if we are to make progress and meet crucial deadlines. With the Empress reversed, the problem is that we may feel lazy and very much prone to procrastination. To be slothful is even considered one of the 7 deadly sins. Because the Empress is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, luxury, and fame, pay more attention to your grooming, appearance and first impressions if you want to win hearts and succeed in your undertakings.



Both these cards are also reminding us of the importance of connecting with mother earth in order to stay balanced and healthy. I know I have not made much time to get in touch with nature lately and I must make it a priority now. But have you? If you are feeling depressed, are mending a broken heart, are confused about making decisions and are lacking clarity, step out and connect with the flora and fauna around you. Breathe in some fresh air, hug a tree, walk barefoot on the grass and allow mother earth to take away your stress and pain. See how rejuvenated you feel after this. Watch new ideas bubble in your mind slowly and experience creativity surging.


Because the Empress is a representation of the feminine archetype, I think us women need to pay more attention to our health next week. Hormonal imbalances and women-related health issues may beg our attention. Even if you are a man reading this, a significant woman in your life may need more of your attention in the coming days.


The Empress in reverse does not bode well for dating and relationships so I want those of you going out on dates and meeting someone for the first time in a romantic setting to pay attention to any tell-tale signs and red flags. It is possible that the one you are after is not ready for a relationship and may only have the intention of a casual affair. Don’t wear your hearts on your sleeves just yet.


This coming week is also not favorable for making luxurious purchases so keep an eye on that wallet and the items you are investing your money in. Some of these items include expensive clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.



One last piece of advice, if you are dealing with difficult women in your life, make sure you don’t get on their bad side next week as conflict can arise from or around women. The Empress in her upright form is loving, motherly, and nurturing but in her reversed form, she really gives life to the saying ”Hell has no fury like a woman scorned”.


If growth seems to have come to a halt and the wait for results is getting longer, don’t lose hope. The situation you have on your mind may need more time to develop. One good thing about the Empress is that she promises results and happy news but in this case, maybe after a little more waiting. What you may be seeking and desperately waiting for is not ready to come into your life, yet. But it will so hang in there.


My dear friends, these are only a few insights that I think may help us as a collective next week and I hope they serve you well. Feel free to leave a comment on how your week plays out and if this energy manifests in your life.


Now, let’s get to the card reveals. For this week’s card reveal, I have chosen the Rider Tarot and the Answer is Simple Oracle cards by Sonia Choquette.


If you were drawn to the first set of cards numbered 1, you have the Page of the Pentacles with the message ‘Stick to it’.





This week brings you the opportunity to do something new. This could be a project, a new venture, or a new start of any kind where you have much to learn and do. The goal that is ahead of you will require patience, dedication, and hard work in order for you to succeed. There are no shortcuts. I also feel that financially this will be a positive week for you as an opportunity to earn more is presented to you. You have a long way to go before you reach your destination and make your mark. Do not give up and keep going.


If you were drawn to the middle set numbered 2, you have the 4 of pentacles and the message, ‘spread the light’.




There are two things that are coming up here. One, the need to work as a team and join hands with others and two, to make wise decisions with the investment of your resources. If you have an important and seemingly impossible task to finish at work or in any situation in life, don’t try to wing it alone. Be open to asking and accepting help. Simultaneously, be more willing to help others and work as a team. I also suggest that you don’t make any unnecessary and frivolous purchases this week. Save that doh for a rainy day. If some of you are passing through a dark and difficult phase in your life, remember, the light is within you. You can illuminate your path with the goodness and positivity of your heart and in the process inspire and uplift others. Choose optimism over pessimism.


If you were drawn to the last set numbered 3, you have the King of swords in reverse and the message, ‘Take bite-size steps’.




Beautiful soul, there is no need to feel overwhelmed by the tasks and goals that are ahead of you. Don’t let other’s successes and abilities make you question your self-worth. What you must focus on, instead, is coming up with a game plan on how you can get started towards your own goals which is through taking bite-sized steps. Don’t look at the big picture and start worrying. Take baby steps towards what you need to do and get going. This week, take that first step that you have been procrastinating for a while and shed comparisons with others. Don’t give away your power to negative thoughts. Instead, stay focused on your journey.



I hope these messages serve all of you well, Beautiful Souls. Thank you for joining me this week. I am sending you all best wishes for the week ahead.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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