Weekly Guidance and Pick a card for 21st to 27th January, 2019


Blessings Beautiful Souls,



I am here again, healthy, happy, and eternally grateful for all the blessings in my life, ready to share another week’s wisdom. What are you feeling grateful for in this moment? Think and Thank life for this joyful blessing.


Like each week, let us start with our collective message. This week, I drew three cards for a perspective using the Morgan Greer Tarot deck and the Answer is Simple Oracle cards.


The 5 of cups showed up as our energy of the week, the 9 of pentacles as our advice alongside the message, ‘Take no offense’. Ah, that 5 of cups is not a pleasant energy to experience this week. For one, it speaks of losses, hurt, and disappointments. But two, it also brings us an important message – to not brood over the past and to let go of what is over and cannot be changed.



The messages are beautifully guiding us all to watch our emotions and emotional reactions to situations this week. Life is not always going to be sunshine and roses. Even when we have meditated, smudged, passed on all the love and light into the world and are grooving in that high vibrational place, life situations or someone else’s reaction or actions can always throw us off. This week our guidance is to not let these actions and uncontrollable situations upset our mental balance. If someone says or does something hurtful, don’t take offense. Most times, it is not personal. But even when it is, understand that you cannot control others reactions. You have to simply keep keeping on and focus on yourself and your life.



We may even find ourselves looking back at past mistakes, regrets, and losses this week. If you catch yourself playing an old, painful memory over and over in your mind this week, pause and ask yourself what good this is doing to you? Have you, instead, learned the lesson this experience wanted to teach you? Focus on the learning and this in itself will bring a shift in your perspective. Often, we lose track of the blessings and opportunities that are available to us in the here and now when we are fixated on the past. Make sure you are living a more present and grounded life this week.


I love the 9 of Pentacles card in the Morgan Greer deck. To me, the woman in this card always speaks of the importance of self-care and self-love (two things we often forget when we are busy being hard on ourselves). Look at her surrounded by all that bounty! Your body, mind, and soul need this nourishment right now. This card to me speaks of self-care and making time to connect with higher wisdom while remaining centered and grounded. In a more practical sense, your guidance is to enjoy the richness and beauty of your life this week and not be bothered about who said what or who did what.


Take no offense at others actions. Don’t let others bad behavior or reaction make you question your own worth. The mistakes of the past have nothing fruitful to offer you except for the lessons. Extract the learning from every disappointing situation you experience this week and turn it around in your favor. Remember, while you cannot control others reaction or attitude, you can control your own. Live a grounded and grateful life each day, savoring the beauty in each precious moment of your existence.



With that, it is now time for you to choose your card for the week. These are general readings for us all as a collective and they do carry a message for whoever reads them. However, if your situation is personal and you would like to consult me for personal reading, visit the ‘Buy a Tarot Reading’ link to access my services section.



If you were drawn to the first pile of cards, your messages come from the 3 of pentacles, the Birds, and Gentleman.



I see important news reaching you this week. To some, this news could come from a man and could be related to work. If you have been waiting to hear from someone important about work-related matters, then this may be the week for you.


I also feel that this is the ideal time to put yourself out in the world and showcase your skills if you are looking for growth, recognition, or new employment opportunities. Try marketing your services more efficiently. Use the various technological mediums and social media platforms to share your offerings and skills with the world.


Overall, there is a positive feel to this week and you are being encouraged to keep working on your projects and goals as all your efforts are taking you closer to your target.


If you were drawn to the second pile of cards, your messages come from the Hierophant, the cross, and the snake.




The cross and the snake bring to mind the Serpent Cross which is a symbol associated with healing. As you shed the old, you make way for the new. In health matters, stick to pro advice and do not try to deviate from the recommended course of action.


For a few of you, it may be time to open up and talk to someone who can help you unburden the weight you have been carrying around. This can be a trusted friend, counselor, therapist, healer, or even a card reader. Do not lose hope.


With the Hierophant, it is important to seek knowledge and guidance from those who are in the capacity to guide you this week to ensure you find a solution to your dilemma. However difficult your situation, be open to looking for help and have the willingness to let go of stubborn, old ways of working through a problem. A new perspective is needed.


If you were drawn to the third pile of cards, your message comes from the Hanged Man, the Heart, and the House.



This week, focus more on being than doing. Sometimes, not taking any action steps can itself turn out to be a fruitful step forward. Moreover, it can give you the time needed to gain clarity on perplexing situations.



Matters related to home and family show improvements this week. But a personal sacrifice may be needed. Maybe you need to change the way you are dealing with things. If you are experiencing challenges in your personal life, try to look at the matter differently, keeping others viewpoints in mind. Spending quality time with your loved ones is never a waste of time. Make more room for it this week.


Also, don’t rush into matters whether this is romantic or professional. Let situations unfold naturally. Take a break from big decision-making when it comes to your love life or real-estate.


Blessings and Love

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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