Pick a card for your Full Moon Message – 19th February, 2019



Beautiful Souls,



Blessed Full Moon to you all!


How is this Full Moon energy treating you? It is an intense one for me and I have been taking those extra naps lately and keeping myself centered as much as possible.


Today in this post, I would like you to pick a card or number, setting the intention that the right message finds you this Full Moon. So go ahead and take a look at the picture below and notice what cards are drawing you.





Did you pick a card set for your message? Great! Now scroll down to read your Full Moon message.



Also, if you would like to book a personal reading, I am available through e-mail and video call. Check out the Buy a Tarot reading section for more details or if you stay in India or have any inquiries for me, send me an e-mail at [email protected].


Let’s begin!


If you chose the first card set, your messages come from the ‘Akasha’ card and the King of Cups.


Beautiful Soul, you are on an important part of your soul’s journey at this time. The lessons, situations, and people you are encountering are all meant to be on your path right now to help your soul grow. Not all these soul contracts are easy to fulfill but isn’t that why our soul is here in the first place? To learn and evolve?



Wherever life is taking you right now, trust your path and follow through. Trust your guidance. It will never mislead you. Make peace with where you are instead of constantly complaining and keep facing your true north. You will reach where you are meant to be with each step on your journey.



On an emotional level, a lot could be coming up for you. It is important to honor these emotions and not bury them deeper. You honor them by accepting them for what they are and at the same time, releasing what no longer serves you well.


It is also important that you deal with your emotions in a mature way and view situations objectively. Don’t get carried away. Take a step back and reassess. Get someone’s help if you are finding it hard to see the forest for the trees.


Oh, and make time to enjoy the things in life that bring you joy. Enjoy a good meal, savor that decadent dessert, play with your pets, get a massage. Give yourself the gift of a break, if you can.



If you chose the middle card set, your cards are ‘Soul family’ and The Chariot.


Beautiful Soul, this is the time to reach out to your soul family. Your soul family are people who understand you on a soul level and in whose company, you are at your best. These are not people who dim your light, bring you down, or keep taking from you. But these are souls that help you grow and share a loving and balanced relationship with you. Connect with them. Do something fun and adventurous together. It is also important for some of you to reassess and consciously choose your company.




Some of you may be in the middle of important decision-making right now. If you are confused on what path to take, once again, reach out to your soul family to help guide you. But I get it! Not all of us have friends or family members that can we can address as our soul family or can count on to understand and support us. Still, you are not alone. Your guides in the spirit world are always there for you. Make a connection to them through meditation or remember them today. Ask them to show you the best way forward. According to Indian astrology, this Full Moon is taking place in the sign of Leo in the Magha Nakshatra. Magha nakshatra encourages you to connect with your ancestors and remember them.


The Chariot is also a card of movement. You are being urged to move forward from any stagnant situation in your life. Do not remain stuck to things that are not meant for your highest good.



If you chose the last card set, your message comes from the ‘Mintakan’ and Queen of Pentacles card.


Beautiful Soul, you may be feeling a little lost and lonely off-late. You may be searching for your purpose or feeling like an alien even amongst people who you think know you better. There is a deep need for you to connect with mother earth right now and strengthen your root chakra. Your thoughts may be distracted because you are not grounded and centered enough.




You can connect with mother earth in various ways. One of the best ways to do so is to step outside and bask in the healing energy of nature around you. Breathe in the fresh air, hug a tree, walk barefoot on grass, get more involved with everyday tasks and live more mindfully in the present, move your body, eat nourishing food (say no to junk for now and include more fresh produce in your diet). This should help you feel more connected to your body and this planet, which is your home for now.


If you have access to water bodies such as a lake, beach, or ocean, go out and spend some time there. Water will cleanse and clarify your emotions. For the rest of us who don’t have access to a water body, taking a rejuvenating salt water bath can work wonders as well. Also, remember to drink more water and stay hydrated.


The Queen of Pentacles is also an earth mother who teaches us to nurture our material resources. Release negative beliefs about money and material assets. Manifest your desires into your reality. Invite abundance. It is all possible and it all starts with you.


I hope these messages help, lovelies. With this, I once again wish you a safe and blessed Full Moon night.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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