Tarot Horoscopes for 11th to 17th March, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.


Oh, and don’t forget to share or tag someone who may find this post helpful.



Ariens, Spirit is guiding you to not waste too much time focusing on past losses. Look ahead and move forward. Embrace the gifts of the present moment no matter how insignificant it may appear, instead of crying over spilled milk. It is best to avoid financial risks of any kind this week. Partnerships may need more understanding and compassion. No matter how difficult your situation appears on the surface, support and guidance is available to you if you are willing to seek and accept it. You are also being guided to be honest with yourself about what you want, what you need to learn, and what you need to let go.




Taureans, this week is about disconnecting with the world to reconnect with yourself. You need a break from situations and relationships that are overwhelming you so don’t worry about being temporarily selfish and tending to your own needs. It may be time to move on from stale situations to something new. Make time for meditation and deeply connect with your spiritual side. Let your higher power bring you insight, wisdom, and healing on the path ahead. Do not be careless with your resources.



Gemstars, this week is about taking personal timeouts and celebrating life in whatever way you see fit. It is about bringing more fun and laughter into your life. Rekindle old friendships, go dancing, get out of town on an adventure trip or do something entertaining and interesting by connecting with those who you vibe with. Bring the extrovert in you out to play. This is also a good week to expand your network, connect with new people, attend social gatherings and be in the limelight whether for business or personal reasons.



Cancerians, a sensitive time lies ahead for you this upcoming week. You are going to feel your emotions more deeply and may come across as moody to others. Honor your emotions and needs. Being close to family and loved ones will help you feel more nurtured and balanced. Schedule some family time this week if you have not in a long time and foster your close relationships. This week also brings financial blessings and is the perfect time to work on releasing money blocks from your life.



Leos, an energetic week awaits you! You are going to feel more empowered, energized and inspired to do new things and take action this week. Use this energy to your benefit. New beginnings and shifts are underway as well. However, be wary of placing blind faith in others. This is one of those weeks where someone in your life may act in dishonest ways. You also need to guard against people who could end up duping you or taking advantage of you. Having said that, keep that chin up and go so something fun this week.




Virgos, clear communication is a big theme this week. It is not just about how you communicate but also about what you should communicate with others. Many of you Virgos need to take on a firm and bold stance and say what you need to say to others. If someone is creating confusion or acting in confusing ways, confront and clarify the matter. Set your feelings aside and do the right thing. Many of you will feel like a new side of you is emerging this week and Spirit is asking you to embrace your true self.



Librans, this is your detox week and you are encouraged to cut away things and situations from your past that are not serving you well. A lot of things from your past could come up this week. While some memories are worth cherishing and will always remain special to you, some connections, patterns, and thoughts are just not meant for your highest good and need to be eliminated from your life. You get to decide what stays and what goes. Choose wisely. Some of you may even want to explore new detoxification methods and programs. Clearing your energy, and your physical, mental, and emotional self will help you shed the old and welcome the new. A sweet surprise may also come your way this week.



Scorpios, this week brings you reasons to celebrate and feel joyful about life. You may accomplish a goal that brings with it a sense of satisfaction. Spirit is guiding you to raise your standards and to see yourself in a positive light. Sometimes, shortcuts and compromises seem to bring a quick fix. But you are being guided to be patient and remain dedicated to your true desires. They may be taking long but what is right for you will come to you in the right time. Don’t give up. Focus on bringing more balance and stability into your life.



Archers, you are encouraged to review your plans and look before your leap. Maybe some of your plans need tweaking and adjustments and being thorough will save time and potential damages. Speaking of time, this week is about cultivating patience. Things may not unfold at the rate you are expecting them to and delays could frustrate you. However, it is best to let things take their natural course. People may have hidden agendas and ulterior motives against you so be slow to trust and watch your back. Through meditation and mindfulness, you attain greater clarity and peace. Make this practice a must.



Cappies, this can turn out to be quite an exciting week for you. You may feel drawn to explore new avenues and feel more uninhibited in your approach towards life. You may feel inspired to take bold steps towards something you are feeling passionate about. Your creative restlessness needs to be channeled properly if you want to put it to good use. Be spontaneous but don’t be quick to anger and overly impulsive. I am also seeing a new growth opportunity showing up for some of you. Helpful people may step in to show you the way or offer assistance. Accept help in all forms whether from actual people or the Universe. Don’t forget to add some playfulness in your life to spice things up.




Aquarians, this could be a busy week for you where I see you engaged in learning and mastering a new skill or working hard to get better at something. But don’t make it an all work no play week. Make time to connect with people around you. Go out on dates, meet friends, or form new connections. New partnerships and alliances may also be on the cards. If something isn’t working well for you this week despite your best effort, the Angels want you to know that there is something better in store. Let go of the need to control things and trust the path aheas. Some of you need to understand that just because one door has closed for you, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. New and better things are coming. Have faith.



Pisceans, this week brings a sense of joy and contentment. Instead of chasing after things, find your bliss in what already exists. Make gratitude your attitude. Matters related to family will beg your attention. You may be invited for get-togethers, family reunions, or may end up spending more time in the company of your loves ones. This is also a good week to contemplate on your long-term security and investment plans. What can you do to secure the future of you and your loved ones? Matters related to real estate may also be of importance to some of you. Something that you have your heart set upon is like to to occur in the near future. Don’t give up and be patient.


Love, Light, and Blessings

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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