Pick a card reading for Full Moon



Blessed Full Moon to All,



How is this Libran Moon energy treating you all? I hope you are taking good care of yourself and are in tune with your body’s wisdom.


In this post, you get to choose your message for this Full Moon from a set of three piles. I am using the Osho Zen Tarot, Chakra Insight Oracle, and the Self-Care cards for the reading.


Take a moment to breathe deeply and center yourself. Be here, in the present. See yourself rooted in the earth and supported by the warm energy of mother earth. Take a good look at the picture of the cards below and notice what pile draws your attention. Go with what clicks without overthinking and trust that there will be an important message for you in this post at this time.




Bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. So take what resonates. If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.



After you have chosen your pile, scroll down to read the messages.


Pile 1: Innocence, Sacral Chakra, Patience





The Sacral or Svadhisthana chakra, ruled by the element of water, is the seat of your creativity and your senses. It also rules your emotions and thereby, all your relationships, even the one you share with yourself.


Are you fully in touch with your emotions? Are you living life to the fullest? How passionate and excited do you feel about life at this time?



As we grow older and get exposed to the full spectrum of our reality, we lose our innocence. We go to great lengths to feel good and constantly seek happiness outside, forgetting that it resides within us. We lose touch with that innocent, fun, and creative side of us. Suddenly life becomes busy, boring, lethargic, uninteresting, tough, bitter, and a few negative experiences create firm negative beliefs that further disconnect us from the source of joy which is within ourselves.


Some of you may find yourself in this place right now. You have forgotten how to enjoy and savor each moment of your life. You may be feeling disconnected with your own passion and desires. Your relationships may have been difficult and old pain may be keeping you from seeing the bright and beautiful side of life.


This Full Moon, take inventory of your emotions and do a cleansing and releasing ritual. It doesn’t have to be something fancy or elaborate. A short meditation is enough. Cut all the cords of negative attachment and obsession that you may be holding towards someone or something. Stop being too serious and do something fun and playful. Send healing and love to your Sacral chakra (located below the navel region). This chakra center is also called the ‘sex chakra’. Some of you are being guided to explore your sexuality more deeply.


No matter how bad you think your past experiences have been, leave them be in the past and turn a new leaf over. Open yourself to new experiences.


You may be in this place right now where you are growing impatient and uncertain about life and your goals. You are tired of the waiting and this is making you lose faith in your dreams. Or, it is also possible that something or someone you thought was perfect for you turned out to be the opposite. Your message says – Be willing to pass up good for great. This may not be what you want to hear but patience is important right now. Let go of what has not worked out and rekindle the innocence and passion within you and prepare to welcome new adventures.



This Full Moon energy is about big cleansings. It is about pushing the reset button on life and learning to enjoy while your dreams manifest in the background. The more happy and present you are in the moment, the more fun you will have and the quicker your goals and new visions will greet you on your path.


Blessings and Love, Beautiful Soul.




Pile 2: Intelligence, Courage, Self-love.



Your cards show me that Courage is needed in your life right now. A situation may have presented itself as a roadblock and you will need to rely on your inner strength to rise above it. The good news is, you have what it takes to come out of this challenge/crisis. Thank this current predicament as it is chiseling you into becoming who you truly are.


Often courage comes through inspiration. People who have walked a similar path as you earlier, set fine examples, offer valuable tips and instill motivation within you. This is a good time to seek such inspiration, learn new techniques and read success stories, that can help you gain a positive perspective. Turn to books or resources that can help you on your current path. Be inspired by the stories of others who have overcome challenges similar to yours.



If you are caught up in a dilemma, know that a little bit of research and knowledge can help you make better decisions.


There is another message for you this Full Moon, beautiful soul, and it has to do with taking care of your body, mind, and soul. You need all the energy and strength you can muster in the days to come to rise and shine. So give yourself the gift of self-care and self-love. Treat yourself with kindness and love. Pamper your body and only engage in acts that support your growth right now.


Your human battery needs to be recharged in order for you to function better in the days to come. Plug out of all the extraneous noise and take time for yourself.


Blessings and Love, Beautiful Soul.




Pile 3: Family, Friendship, Guilt






While some are being guided to disconnect during this phase, your guidance is to reconnect with those who love and support you in life. You have been single-handedly dealing with a lot of stress and perhaps, even guilt of some kind. You may be very susceptible to letting the negative voices lower your vibration right now and isolating yourself and brooding over losses is not the best way to go at this time.


Allow helpful people and supportive friends to step in and lighten up your world. Spend time hanging out with people who can serve as a positive distraction and perk up your outlook. Make time for family (whoever makes you feel like home).


It is important that you take a break from the stress of this busy world and be in the company of those who nurture you. Even if you cannot find someone who can play this role in your life, let Spirit offer you support.


I also feel that many of you reading this part of the post are in need of rest. Maybe you aren’t sleeping well and enough and your body is demanding more rest. Honor the need to nurture yourself and allow kindred souls to help you through your current phase.


What dark thoughts are consuming your energy right now? Step into your power and be aware that you are the master of your mind and not the other way. You hold the power to shift your thinking and choose to release guilt, regret, and negative thoughts.


Your Root/Base Chakra needs healing and the best way to do this is to turn to nature and spend time rejuvenating in natural settings. In the next few days, focus more on getting in touch with the natural world. You can choose to visit a beach, take a walk amongst trees, retreat to the mountains, or choose to visit a local park. Allow nature to cleanse your energy. Do deep breathing exercises and stick to a natural diet rich in life force energy.




Blessings and Love, Beautiful Soul.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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