Pick a card for the week of 29th April to 5th May, 2019

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



I have been MIA for some time and a busy schedule is the culprit. However, I have been missing writing new posts for you and so here are the messages for the week ahead.







Above, you have three piles to choose from for your weekly message. Relax and let your intuition guide you to your message.


Bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. So take what resonates. If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.




If you chose 1, your cards are ‘Raye’ and 3 of Pentacles.





Your physical body needs more love and attention this week. Create a morning routine that helps keep you energetic all day and follow it through each day. Yoga, meditation, stretching or any form of exercise will keep you motivated, balanced, and cheerful throughout the day. When you are feeling good on a physical level, your mental and emotional well-being also increases and helps you accomplish a lot more.


Speaking of accomplishments, many of you will be recognized for your hard work and appreciation may be due. Whatever work you do, do it with passion, focus, and dedication as it will help open new doorways for you. Your efforts will not go to waste. New opportunities and collaborations could be on the cards for you. Also, be open to discussions and new ideas coming from others.


By setting the right intentions, you can attract help and guidance on your path that can lead you towards progress.


If you chose 2, your cards are ‘Rochelle’ and the Knight of Swords.





This week is about taking the right action steps. There are times when we must sit tight and observe and then there are times when we must get ready, get set and take action. Doing the latter will be more beneficial for you now.


A situation in your life is begging serious attention and this is the time to listen to your inner guidance and take the next steps. But be careful not to rush into decisions and act on impulse. Take some time to get in touch with your inner voice. Your instincts cannot mislead you right now but you will only gain access to them when you have cleared your mind and are in a mentally calm place. Avoid aggressive behavior and choose your words carefully.


Your Angel message is auguring a time of growth and prosperity. So be willing to do the hard work and what is needed so that you can reap the rewards soon.


If you chose 3, your cards are ‘Opal’ and the 8 of Cups.




This week is about nurturing and caring for yourself more, beautiful soul. It is time to take a short break from all the overwhelming energy around you and retreat. Your well is running dry and needs replenishment which can only come when you step away from exhausting situations and connect with your own energy.



Emotionally, this may not be the best week for you. You are being guided to move away from a situation that is not bringing you peace and joy. Maybe it is time to say goodbye to something (or, someone) and move towards new possibilities. Or, maybe you just need a break. Either way, don’t force yourself to put up with situations and people when you are experiencing a disconnect.


You need space or maybe someone in your life needs some space. Willingly take it or give it to them.


Worries surrounding children will also see an end this week.


Blessings and Love

Sonnyaa Siingh 


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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