Week Ahead Reading for 6th to 12th May, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



I drew some cards for us all as a collective for the week ahead and here are my thoughts.


The 5 of wands energy is competitive and sometimes even argumentative in nature. So I will start by saying that this week, we may encounter situations that can test our patience and present us with challenges. You may feel like it’s You vs the World. Trivial matters could trigger anger and aggression. Miscommunication and misunderstandings may lead to arguments and petty fights. Your skills may be put to test and you will have to do your very best in order to win or be recognized especially in competitive scenarios.





How do we navigate through this energy? The Knight of Pentacles has a few suggestions to offer. Get grounded, he says. Don’t give free reign to your impulses. Develop a calm approach and be aware of your triggers. One of the main lessons for us all this week is to catch ourselves in that moment when we are triggered to partake in destructive behavior and choose to make better and healthier choices. Ask yourself if anger or aggression is the answer to your problem? Will your temporary reactions have unpleasant lasting consequences? Is fighting really the answer? The Knight of pentacles asks that we all contemplate our actions and pace ourselves a little before making important decisions.


Our Oracle card is very much on point with this guidance as well. Don’t feel pressured to make big overnight changes in your life. Big transformations start with bite-sized steps so focus on the tiny steps you can take to reach your big goal. Slow and steady will help you win whereas rushing into something out of excitement or pressure may not lead to a pleasant outcome.



Some of us may be battling with feelings of alienation this week. We may feel like we don’t belong. Watching other people’s success and progress could lead to feelings of unworthiness, self-loathing and poor self-esteem. We may be laying too much focus on our shortcomings and ignoring to see our strengths and gifts. If this happens to be you this week, I want you to be gentle with yourself and give yourself a hug.


We are all walking our own individual journeys and we must trust and relax in the knowledge that we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now and have the perfect set of circumstances around us to facilitate our growth. Don’t compare or compete. Instead, focus on your own growth by taking those little steps towards your betterment. Focus on doing the work and being dedicated to your cause. Don’t worry or be negatively influenced by the progress others are making. Use their stories as an example to motivate yourself to do better.


Proper planning and being organized, focused, and dedicated to your own goals and betterment will positively impact your life.


Wishing All my readers a blessed week ahead.



If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.


Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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