Intuitive Reading for the week of 6th to 12th May, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Welcome to your weekly reading. I am a bit late this time but here I am and I hope these messages bring insight and guidance in whatever way it helps you.





Above, you have three piles to choose from for your weekly message.  The first is Amethyst, in the middle we have Green Aventurine with Labradorite , and the last one is Orgonite (I know it’s not too clearly visible and I apologize for the poor lighting). Relax and let your intuition guide you to your message. Once you have made your pick, scroll down for the message.


Bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. So take what resonates. If you would like to address a more personal situation through a reading, you can book a reading with me by visiting the Buy a Tarot reading section of this site or by using the Contact form to reach me.


For those of you who chose the Amethyst pendant, here are my thoughts:





With the beautiful World card, this week will mark the completion of something in your life. An old chapter or situation is coming to close. Take this ending in a positive way even if you don’t feel like it because it’s all happening for your good.


I am also seeing travel on the cards for some of you. It is more likely to be one the involves fun and good times and will give you the chance to release some of that stress you have built up. Give yourself the full permission to enjoy life.


Some thoughts, worries, and situations could be weighing you down this week. Remember to not let it all get to you. Conveniently drop what doesn’t serve you well and move on. Look at that ‘Drop it’ card! The more you drop stress, worries, and stuff that is weighing you down, the higher you will rise in both your consciousness and energy.


In relationships, honesty is very important this week. Speak your truth and be open about how you feel. Don’t make up little lies or settle for compromises to keep the peace or to be liked by another.



The Deception card is also pointing towards relationships in your life that are not authentic. You will have to trust your intuition with this one. If someone sounds too good to be true and if you are picking up on too many red flags, step back and reassess your situation. Perhaps it is time to call it quits and move on to bigger and better things. Know that you don’t have to put up with someone else’s BS, lies, and manipulation.




If you were drawn to the green aventurine with labradorite pendant, here are my thoughts:



This week is about dreaming and planning. The Universe is asking you to step up your game and explore your options. It is time to stop playing it small and think big. The world is your oyster and you have the freedom to choose where you want to go and what you to want to do next.


Relationships will pose some challenges for you this week. It is possible that distance could come in between you and your partner. Maybe your partner wants some space or may have to be away from you for a little while. Don’t let this become the reason for arguments, fights, and misunderstandings. Focus on yourself and your life. Sometimes having some space works wonders.


The ‘Speak with love’ card brings you a reminder to be kind and gentle with your words. Often, when we are upset or emotionally disturbed, we speak from the voice of our ego which is laced with fear and anger. As you communicate with others this week, be more considerate with your choice of your words. Think of how your words could affect the other person. Choose loving and supportive words to bridge gaps and make room for peace and harmony.





If you were drawn to the Orgonite pendant, here are my thoughts:



This week’s energy is centered on your heart. Open your heart to giving and receiving love. Even if you are going through an emotionally difficult time, feel these emotions fully instead of subduing them. When you are done feeling these emotions in their entirety, they will transform.


I have often found that the ‘King of cups’ energy is about feeling good, having a good time, enjoying good food (and wine, if you fancy) and holding space and making time for those connections in our lives that put us in a happy spot. This week, you may have the time to do all of this. Make the most of it.


Some of you singles are being asked to open up and honestly express your feelings towards that special someone. Expressing love doesn’t always have to be in words. It could be through sweet gestures as well. Don’t hold back from sharing your love. Don’t mince words and hide your feelings. Be bold and expressive.


As relationships grow on us, we tend to overlook the nice things that our loved ones do for us and take them for granted. This week, we are reminded to be more appreciate and grateful toward them. Saying a simple ‘Thank you’ and giving a hug can create happy ripple effects in our lives. Who do you need to say ‘Thank you’ to this week? Say it soon!



Love and Blessings

Sonnyaa Siingh

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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