Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.


Oh, and don’t forget to share or tag someone who may find this post helpful.



Ariens, this week, pay attention to wisdom and guidance that comes from teachers, mentors, guides and people who are in a position to show you the way. Sometimes, taking expert opinion pays off and I encourage you to consult the right people before making big decisions or if you are seeking direction. You may even have to visit or interact with such people this week such as doctors, counselors, consultants, etc. Your advice this week is to maintain harmony and balance in all your relationships. Be flexible, compassionate, and gentle in your approach towards others. Be willing to meet people halfway and open to negotiations. This week can prove lucky for partnerships and agreements.




Taureans, this is a great week for starting something new, be it a course, a project, hobby or even a new job. Opportunity is coming your way. An improvement in the flow of your finances is also highly likely. Be open to learning new things and remain humble when doing so. Your advice this week is to not spend too much dilly-dallying and take action when you are called to do so. You have the green signal from the Universe to move forward and act on your dreams. Short and quick travel may come up for you. Some of you may even have to travel for work or learning endeavors.



Gemstars, this week, karma may be in play full swing. Fair and unbiased justice will be dished out to you. If you have been on the wrong, take this week as an opportunity to correct your actions or learn from your mistakes. If you are deserving of rewards and recognition, be prepared to receive what is rightfully yours to claim. Be honest in all your dealings, Gemstars, as this week’s decisions and actions can have ripple effects in your future. Since this is your birthday season, the Universe will be offering you plenty of opportunities to go out, socialize and have fun. Make time for friends and loved ones. Go out and celebrate or accept invites to the coolest parties and gatherings.



Cancerians, you may feel blocked or confused this week. An important decision awaits but you may be unwilling to confront your emotions and take action. Do not run away from your emotions and true feelings as it holds the key to your liberation and clarity. Face what you fear and adopt a can-do attitude. Your advice this week is to make good use of your skills and talents to help you accomplish your goals. You have what it takes to do what you desire. Don’t let self-doubt hold you back.



Leos, your hard work and skills stand more chances of being recognized and appreciated this week. Continue giving your best to the task at hand and allow the Universe to put you in touch or attract the right people who can help you or even be your new clients. Growth is taking place. More people would be seeking you out for your talents and unique skills. As advice, remain sure-footed and take the necessary steps towards the realization of your goals and dreams, this week. Do not rush into anything. Be dedicated and willing to work hard for what you seek.




Virgos, a new shift is coming and a shift in perspective is needed as you navigate through this week. Also bear in mind that some repetitive cycles and patterns will reappear in your life, giving you the chance to finally break them and start afresh. If you have failed to learn a soul lesson, it may re-emerge. As advice, it is important to see things from a fresh and new perspective this week. Experiment and switch to new habits, techniques and methods and abandon old ways that are no longer working for you. The change that you desire will come if you are willing to alter your approach and ways. Patience is also advised this week.



Librans, this week is about going with the flow. In the wheel of life, sometimes we are on top and sometimes, we have to hit rock bottom. But bear in mind, you will never remain in the same space for too long. This week could bring in such shifts into your life. You will do well by remaining calm, tuning inward for inspiration, guidance, and wisdom and by listening to the voice of your intuition. As advice, do not rush into any decisions or take impulsive action. If you want more clarity, wait and allow more information to come to you. Your dreams may carry important messages. You may see signs and omens whose purpose is to guide you. Pay heed.



Scorpios, this week’s energy is filled with fun, good times, and celebrations. Your social circle may widen and you may find yourself being part of extroverted fun activities. Good news may also come your way. Reunions with old friends and new connections are also possible. Have fun and be safe. As advice, this week is also about some deep transformation. You may feel a part of your undergoing a big change. Some things may come to an end allowing you to let go of the old and welcome the new. Whatever is changing this week, accept it graciously and with full trust in the Universe. Endings lead to new beginnings.



Archers, this week, the Universe wants you to be strong and face life with courage and test. Chances are that your inner strength may be put to test. Get acquainted with your inner power. If a challenging situation comes up, deal with it in a compassionate manner, keeping aggression and anger at bay. You stand more chance of resolving issues through a calm and kind approach. This is a good week to collaborate with others. Make your work more visible to the public eye to receive appreciation and draw new clients. If you are on the hunt for a new job, some new interviews could be lined up for you. Do the work and reap the rewards.



Capricornians, you are safe and secure. Let go of worries and protect your energy from negative influences. This week marks the completion of important cycles, karmic debts, and even projects. As advice, do not waste your energy giving to someone who is reluctant to receive. Don’t waste your time chasing after people who are not even ready to meet you halfway. Meditate and contemplate your moves. If you feel the need to detach from situations for sometime, do it. Some alone time will help you rejuvenate. If the Universe is bringing you new opportunities, explore them with an open mind.




Aquarians, you may be working too hard at something which could deplete your energy big time. You need a break and should also learn to take things a little lightly this week. Take a break from all the seriousness and inject some fun into your life. Let go of all worries and find ways to unwind. Go on an unplanned trip somewhere, meet new people, do new things and explore life. A happy-go-lucky approach to life will help you cope with pressure and provide you with fresh perspective. Don’t forget to have fun!



Pisceans, this week is all about paying attention to self-care and self-love. You may feel the need to nurture others but take time to give yourself the same nurturing and care. Connect with the natural world around you to help you ground and release any excess of energy you have taken in. For some of you, gardening or working closely with plants and flowers could bring a sense of joy and rejuvenation. The advice for you this week is to make time for fun activities and spend more time in the company of your tribe. Connect with people around you. Choose extroversion over introversion. Let other positive and beautiful souls around you lift your spirits.


Love, Light, and Blessings

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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