Tarotscopes for 10th to 16th June, 2019





Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.


Oh, and don’t forget to share or tag someone who may find this post helpful.



Ariens, this week the Universe is guiding you to have more faith and trust that your prayers are manifesting. Often in times when we are losing patience and hope, we look for a sign from above to tell us that everything is going to be okay. This is your sign to not lose hope. Keep the optimism going. This is a positive week for financial and career matters. I see security, comfort, and growth. If you are seeking a job change, this week could bring some positive developments. If your desire to create something new, this week’s fertile energy will assist you. Just remember to nurture and nourish yourself more. Also, manage your resources well.




Taureans, this week the Universe is guiding you to step back and allow your dreams, desires, and goals the room to grow. Sometimes, the best action we can take is no action. Allow things to unfold naturally and do not act in haste. Wait for things to get clearer before you proceed. You are also being guided to make more time to rest this week. You have been working very hard and now it is time to give yourself a break. You can achieve this through frequent naps, a short break, or even by going on a spiritual retreat. Avoid heavy-duty activities. Perhaps, the upcoming full moon could be influencing you to go into a temporary state of withdrawal to replenish your energy.



Gemstars, sometimes progress means taking just one step at a time. This week is about taking those small yet significant steps towards your growth, development, and ambitions. Don’t worry if you are not making big leaps just yet. Real efforts and hard work will need to go into your goals this week. So be ready to do the practical work. Something new could be offered to you as well. This is an opportune time to start something serious and new such as a new exercise program, a new course, a new hobby, or a new habit. Like your neighbor Taurus, you too are being guided to make more time for rest and replenish your energy for maximum productivity.



Cancerians, you are ready for new experiences and a joyful start as you lay rest to past setbacks and difficult situations. Yes! A new dawn awaits you. This week is about making that transition from the dark towards the light. The Universe is guiding you to host a mini ritual to release the burdens you are carrying from your past. Let it all go and adopt an optimistic approach towards life. Some of you could achieve this healing and replenishment by getting close to a water body  (the natural habitat of your zodiac) or having your own customized salt water bath ritual. Read inspiring material and be gentle with yourself as you move through this week.



Leos, you are being helped! This week, notice how people and situations come together to guide, assist and further you on your path. Be open to accepting this help with zero guilt and doubts. Sometimes, what we ask for comes to pass in unimaginable ways. Help could come to you in such unimaginable yet creative ways. All you need to do is trust and say Yes to what unfolds in front of you. Each blessing and obstacle is rigged in your favor. This week also brings new emotional experiences. Ones that will lift you up and give you the warm fuzzies. Your cup runneth over! Rawr!




Virgos, you may feel like you have all the ingredients ready for your success and you may want to plunge into action. But the Universe is asking you to wait. Bide your time for better results by avoiding impulsive moves. New beginnings and opportunities are very much on the horizon. Yet, some delays actually work in our favor. Do not sign up for anything where you are feeling rushed, especially in business and financial matters, no matter how charmed you are by that salesperson. Be wary of people who may appear too good to be true and full of promises, this week. Give time to see if their words are backed by actions.



Librans, this week is about being spontaneous, innovative, adventurous and bold. You are being guided to follow the stirrings of your heart and pave the way for others by setting examples. You are being guided to step into the role of a leader. Be confident and trust yourself with new responsibilities and tasks.  You got this! You are also being guided to decide for yourself. You have the intuition and wisdom to know what is best for you this week so trust your instincts and take action. Some of you may feel stuck or indecisive. Don’t overthink this one. Go with the option that most resonates with you instead of wasting time procrastinating. Feeling inspired to do something this week? Plunge in.



Scorpions, this week you are being encouraged to invest time in research and learning –  a fine trait that your zodiac is blessed with. Scorpio has the tendency to dig deeper for truth and uncover hidden facts. This quality will prove beneficial this week as it will help you gain more information and make well-informed decisions in the days to come. Similarly, if you are in doubt about a topic or situation, seek answers or consult an expert. A wise, learned person could mentor or guide you forward. Be careful when making important decisions and remember that incomplete knowledge or facts can be dangerous and damaging. This is also an excellent week to learn and explore new topics and subjects.



Archers, don’t let setbacks stop you from dreaming a new dream. In fact, take every setback as an opportunity to dream bigger and better dreams. This week is about tearing down old situations and constructs in your life that are no longer beneficial for you. This week is about letting go of past expectations. A chaotic situation may have lead to some shocking realizations. Some harsh truths may have surfaced recently bringing you a reality check. Don’t let these growth lessons discourage you. Chin up and start afresh. This time, learning from your mistakes and laying a more solid foundation for your dreams and ambition to build upon. Dream big, Archers!



Capricorns, this week is about decluttering and simplifying your life. By doing this, you will eliminate so many unwanted stuff, situations, and energies that are holding you back from your full potential and decreasing your efficiency. Start by clearing objects and items from your space. Keep only what you want and do away or donate items that you don’t need (what a great way to give back!). Tidy up your space to invite fresh energy in and release stagnant energies. You can then focus on an internal decluttering as well. This week, you may have your energy spread too thin. Too many things could pile up if you don’t manage your schedule and tasks with care. Once again, eliminate distractions and unnecessary activities for maximum productivity.




Aquarians, ‘divine feminine healing’ is coming up for you this week. This has a lot to do with your ability to both give and receive. It is possible that some past or childhood experiences, perhaps involving a significant woman in your life, may have created some internal blocks for you. For some of you, this relationship could be the one you shared with your mother. Some difficult emotions may have hardened your feelings and this is impacting your ability to grow and manifest more. If you act too guarded around others or find it hard to express your feelings more openly and honestly, notice why this is. Heal. Say goodbye to and release these experiences and share with the world around you more openly. Give more love to your heart chakra this week and forgive the negative actions of others, especially the women you have encountered in your life. Give more, Aquashines!



Pisceans, this week all you have to do is remain positive and share your gratitude for all the wonderful blessings in your life. Just do this and you will emanate more joyfulness and spread good vibes around. Do not get sucked into others negativity. Being a highly empathic sign of the zodiac, you can be easily drained by negative mindsets. Take care to see that you only surround yourself with and give more attention to those who uplift you and carry an inspiring and high vibration. A wish may come true this week. The more positive you remain, the happier you will be.


Love, Light, and Blessings

Sonnya Siingh 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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