Spiritual Guidance for 25th June, 2019



Hey Beautiful Souls,



Some powerful messages have come forth today as our collective guidance.


This is a hard, jagged pill to swallow but one of the supreme facts of life is that ‘everything expires’. Nothing is permanent. Without endings, there would be no beginnings.


A chapter may be coming to close in your life at this time. Maybe something is ending or perhaps, you are undergoing a transformation and gaining more awareness. Whatever is in the process of shedding from your life, maybe creating discomfort, doubts, and anxiety, too.


I have also heard that many people are experiencing some dark moods lately. While yes, some of you may be going through serious issues and may need outside help, it is also important to note that when we undergo a deep transformation, it is common to feel angry, upset, depressed and scared as old emotions or a stale aspect finds release.



Be gentle and patient with yourself. Center your energy in a spiritual practice or a positive habit, that can anchor your energy and prevent you from going off the deep end.


Also remember, when you shed negativity, you will rise. Your vibration will rise. You will no longer vibe with what once made you comfortable. You will seek out new experiences and people who are on the same wavelength as you. Sometimes, this can leave one feeling alone and alienated. Don’t let this fear force you back into the old, dead habits.


Today, don’t be afraid to let go of what is toxic for you. Know that when you do this, you are ascending to a higher level. You are growing.


Now, look at that ‘Death’ card in the image. To me, this speaks of the need to eliminate unhealthy food and beverages from your diet and include fresh produce filled with life force energy. For some of you, your current diet could be impacting your energy levels and mood, negatively. Don’t waste time putting your health on the back burner. Make those positive changes now and make your well-being your number one priority.



Have a blessed Tuesday, friends!


Decks used: The Housewives Tarot & The Answer is Simple Oracle cards.




To book a private reading, check out the Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form.

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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