Daily Tarot Guidance – 30th June, 2019



Hey Gorgeous Souls! Thank you for being here.



As we prepare to say good-bye to June 2019 and welcome a powerful July, which will be commencing with a solar eclipse, our oracle card today is Wise Soul.





As I write this post, the words I am hearing is: Reflect on all the wisdom you have gathered this month through challenging lessons, tricky situations, and your encounters with others. In the end, do not attach labels to these situations and people, but think of them as soul lessons and catalysts for growth. Not only will this wisdom make you stronger and serve to guide you on your path in the days to come, but it will also help you help others. You will pass on your experiences to other people, perhaps unborn and younger members of your own family and soul groups.


A lot of times, we dismiss our inner knowing because it feels like our mind is making things up. Yet, this is how your soul and your intuition communicate with you. The more you learn to trust this voice inside and drop your inhibitions, the more you will listen and be guided. Today, trust your inner knowing, no matter how bizarre it may seem. Trust the hunches and that deep voice of wisdom in your head.


If someone shows up to guide you and brings your inspiration today, take a moment to listen to this person. You may want to tune into the wisdom of a famous motivational personality, a master, or a teacher today as their message will contain some guidance that will serve you well right now.



I have often found the King of cups to indicate those loving and nurturing people in our lives who make us smile and show us a good time. This Sunday may be marked by such pleasant events for many of us. Good food, wining, dining, lively brunches, etc are on the menu.


Also, as you move towards a new month, this is the perfect time to leave behind any situation or sorrow that upsets your balance. Move forward with an open heart while surrendering what is beyond your control and make room for new experiences.


Fortune card of the day: Peacock




Practice humility today and watch out for conceited people who give themselves too much self-importance by putting others down. Sometimes, in the company of those who showcase self-aggrandizing behavior, we belittle ourselves and feel small. We question our self-worth and get sucked into the ‘lack’ mentality. If you find yourself in the company of such people and start feeling low, know that the problem is not you. It would be wise to remove yourself from such a company and not let their behavior affect you negatively.



(I am thinking of writing a post on the upcoming solar eclipse. Let me know in the comments if you would like me to share Tarot/Oracle insights on the same with you.)


May this message serve you all well!


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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