Daily Tarot Guidance for 3rd July, 2019



Beautiful Souls,



Happy Wednesday! How is the eclipse energy treating you all?




We have some lovely cards of reassurance guiding us, today. Our oracle card says, ‘Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north.’ Keep moving, keep flowing, and trusting the path that Spirit is leading you on. If you were looking for confirmation about whether you are on the right path, then here it is. Don’t worry too much and question the things happening in your life right now. It is all divinely orchestrated and you are in the perfect spot that supports your well-being. Don’t rush or grow impatient. Just stay steady and continue embracing the present in the knowing that this wondrous Universe and life force knows what it’s doing and it is doing it for you.


This is also a good day to honor your ancestors and loved ones in spirit. Light a candle, remember them, remember the happy memories you shared with them, the wisdom they shared with you and send them love. I dreamed a beautiful dream last night with my mother in it who was sharing her sage wisdom with me about a confusing matter. I knew it wasn’t just another dream because it didn’t feel like it. The conversations were valid and felt very real.


You may have your loved ones on the other side reaching you out to you in your dreams, or sending you signs and messages. Some signs you can look out for today are finding coins, seeing butterflies around you, hearing their favorite song out of the blue, or just about anything that reminds you of them. These are indications that they are around you, with you, and maybe, have a message for you as well.






With two major arcana cards, The Hanged Man and Death, we are very much moving through big transformative changes at this time. Hanged Man’s Neptunian energy is showing us that we are in tune with our intuition right now and chances of us having those ‘otherworldly’ and ‘magical’ experiences are very high. What appears to be a coincidence is not. Telepathic experiences may be strong. Visions may come through more clearly. (The hanged man is a perfect manifestation of Neptune going retrograde, as well).  It will be best to spend this day engaged in activities that help you relax and stay in a positive zone. Make time for meditation, chants, listen to soothing music, eat nourishing and light food that helps you stay active and energetic, read inspiring material online/off-line.


Do not be intimidated by endings and closed chapters. ‘Keep facing your true north’ and know that all is well. The old is being replaced for new growth and fresh starts.




Our fortune card today couldn’t have put it more clearly – You will be shown the way. Yes, dearie! You will be led through this phase. You will be guided. You are loved and you matter.


May this message serve you well.



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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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