Daily Tarot Guidance for 4th July, 2019



Hello Pretties!



I love the energy of the cards, today. One, because there is an indication that many of us will be welcoming financial blessings today or in the days to come (our fortune card) and two, with the energy of the Empress card, abundance and beauty surround us. The Universe has lined up some positive and fun experiences for us.



Today is about honoring, rewarding and pampering yourself with ways that resonate with you. Our focus may be mainly on materialistic pursuits right now. We may feel inspired to decorate our living space, invest in beautiful items, and indulge in retail therapy. While this can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, do keep a tight watch on your wallets and cards. You may also want to invest in personal care and grooming, today. Gift yourself some relaxing me-time.


There is another important message that has come up for us right now and it says, ‘Be willing to forgive’. When we carry bitterness and sorrow in our heart that has originated from someone else’s actions, not only are we giving that person a lot of attention and power, but we are also blocking our own path.


Is there someone or something that has brought you pain recently and you just can’t seem to shake them off your mind? Is your mind constantly thinking about an unfair treatment you received from someone else? Don’t give away your power to this person or experience. It is doing you no good. Instead, it may be blocking the flow of abundance in your life. Let it go! Free yourself from the burden and pain and turn your face towards the future with optimism. Do not waste too much time staying stuck in the aftermath of a situation that has already passed.



As you move through this day, ask yourself this – How can I make my world beautiful, today? How can I beautify my thoughts today?


Psst… Archangel Jophiel loves to inspire and assist with bringing more beauty into your outer and inner worlds. Give her a mental ring, if you need help.


Have a beautiful one, lovelies, and wishing all my American friends a Happy Fourth of July.


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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