Daily Tarot Guidance for 8th July, 2019





Hello Gorgeous Souls,



It feels so good to be back to writing the daily post and I want to thank you for your patience and support during this brief interim.


I thought of working with the Angels of Abundance cards today. The message we have for today is something that requires very less effort. All you have to do is be open to receiving. That sounds so easy, right? But it can be tough sometimes, too.





Many of us have fixed notions about ourselves. Perhaps due to past disappointments and failures, we develop this belief that we are not good enough and don’t deserve any good. We give this belief a stronghold in our head and when something good comes our way, whether financially or in our personal lives, we shut it out for the fear of losing it or not being good enough to receive it. Well, I have been there too and I can tell you, the more you shut yourself out this way, the more blocks you end up experiencing.


Today, work on removing this belief because it has a false basis and is one of the biggest blocks to abundance. Don’t get comfortable with having less or get used to meeting with failures, and thinking of yourself as someone who is destined to be less fortunate.  The more this belief grows stronger in you, the more you will experience it. Instead, be open to receiving the wondrous blessings of this Universe in many different forms and sources. If they can have it, you can have it, too.



Today, say yes to someone who wants to do something nice for you. Say thanks to those who compliment you and your work. Most importantly, say Yes to the Universe and know that you deserve all the good things in life, too.





Money is a form of abundance and without it, we cannot function smoothly in the current materialistic world we are living in. This is a good day to set new goals and work towards your ambitions. This is an excellent day for doing charitable deeds as well for it is when we give that we receive. Often, in my own life, when I have experienced financial blocks, the most important piece of guidance that has come forth each time is to donate and engage in charitable deeds. How can you share your blessings and goodness with the world around you at this time? Think of ways in which you can give back. This will also help you receive more.






Grapes have come up as a repetitive symbol today both in our fortune card and the King of Pentacles card. Grapes are associated with fun and abundance. With fertility and having enough. With the King of Pentacles card, one can become too focused on achieving material goals to the point of even turning into a workaholic. Work hard but party harder. Do something fun to give your body and mind a break from routine, today. All work and no play brought no one inner joy and peace.


Have a blessed day, lovelies and may the Goddess of abundance shower her blessings upon you.



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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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