Daily Tarot Guidance for 13th July, 2019



Beautiful Souls,



Thank you for joining me here today!


I love it when the cards tell a story that fits in like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Today, our guidance message speaks of effectively dealing with stress and to stop overburdening ourselves with worrying and anxious thoughts.





We live in a generation where slipping into depression has become more common than having flu. But we also live in a time where people are uncovering ancient secrets, raising vibrations, becoming more aware of energy work and healing and taking responsibility for their own well-being. So while there is trauma and distress, help is also more readily available. Yet there are times and those days when we end up having a mental breakdown because of the chaotic busy-ness of the world we live in.


Some of you may be in this place right now where a situation or thought could be gnawing at you. Anxiety may be kicking in. You may be taking on too much stress over a situation that is beyond your control. And maybe even getting worked up over things that are in truth very different from your self-created perception. Relax! Don’t let your mind enter this frenzied state.



This is a perfect day to release all the pent-up stress from this past week by doing something fun and enlivening. Take a break! Give yourself permission to be free of disempowering emotions. Pick up a joyful activity that can help you achieve a state of relaxation.





The Knight of Pentacles is a stickler for routine and hard work. But today is not about overthinking and overworking. Today is about getting off of that horse and ditching the shiny armor to breathe in some fresh air. Stop thinking about how you will get more work done, or accomplish your big career goal. Stop obsessing over the future.


Our fortune card today is ‘Vulture’. Needless to say, the message that this card comes bearing is not a pleasant one. If you have been in a constant state of worry and depression, this card brings a warning to pay attention. If you have been isolating yourself from others for too long, habitually binging on comfort foods, finding it hard to keep up with healthy practices, losing interest in activities that once made you happy, it is time to take the responsibility of breaking out of this pattern. Too much of anything can be bad including introversion. Do not hesitate to seek help in the form of therapy or counselling. Have a heart to heart with a trusted friend and join support groups to gain perspective and direction.





If you are singlehandedly struggling with a tiresome situation, I send you love and prayers, friend. You deserve to be happy so don’t give up and fight for your happiness. Do what it takes to help yourself find your way back to healthy and joyful living.



May this message serve you well.


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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