Daily Tarot Guidance for 14th July, 2019



Beautiful Souls,



Happy Sunday to all!


Today we have the 9 of cups as our card of the day. This is the popular ‘wish card’ of the Tarot and brings with it messages of luck, fortune, joy, and fulfillment. Indeed this could be a day where peace, joy, and fulfillment may pervade our lives. Pleasant news or experience could be on the horizon as well. And yes, this is the Universe telling us to be careful what we wish for. *wink*





Now, I would like to share the intuitive message that I am receiving for today’s card combinations. The 9 of cups also brings us caution against overindulgence and extravagant spending. Astrologically, this card is linked to Jupiter in Pisces and it can sometimes point towards having a larger than life attitude and not knowing when too much is too much and where we should draw the line.


We have a fair-weather warning to not get carried away by our emotions and ignore the real problems in our life. Having faith in the Universe to take care of us is a positive act. But this doesn’t mean we deal with our day-to-day situations carelessly, without paying attention to pressing matters and ignore our responsibilities in the hope that the Universe will wave a magic wand and make our problems go away.  This doesn’t mean we turn a blind eye towards signs and red flags that are guiding us to not move in a certain direction just because we choose to see the good in everything (and everyone). We need to stop looking for the good in places and people where we are only going to find hurt, disappointment, betrayal, and selfish motives.





In addition to this, we have a cautionary message from our Fortune card today which is telling us that if we don’t pay attention to the real and practical problems in our life right now, we may have a lot to lose in the future.


Pay attention to your sensitivity at this time. We have a Lunar eclipse closing in on us and as many of you are aware, eclipses can impact our emotions and decision-making abilities, quite strongly.  Watch out for people who may take advantage of your kindness. It is best to avoid any big decision making for now and not get too influenced by other people’s opinions and suggestions. Take time to ground yourself and connect with the Divine helpers to show you the way forward, should you find yourself in a perplexing situation. Go out and connect with nature in whatever way convenient for you.


Lastly, we are also gently being nudged to pay attention to our health and well-being. Now, I know that this may sound like a cliche when I say that if we don’t pay attention to our health now, we may have to suffer consequences later on. But today with our cards, we are being guided to not overlook the damage a casual habit can bring in the long run. This may include overeating, drinking heavily, or becoming too indulgent in any activity that can negatively impact us in the future.


I hope this message will serve you well, friend.



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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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