Daily Tarot Guidance for 15th July, 2019



Happy Monday dearests and Thank you for being here!


Today, many of us on a collective level may feel disconnected from our familiar environment. We may feel the need to deeply connect with our inner world by taking a temporary break from the demands of our external life. Tomorrow’s Lunar eclipse energy definitely has a lot to do with this urge to soul search and tune inward. Don’t resist this pull and take time for yourself. Meditate often, spend more time in quietude and allow self-reflection to bring you answers, insights, and perspective. Cancel or reschedule your plans if you must. Whatever you do, honor the calling of your soul.



I also sense that many of you are feeling the need to walk away from something (or, someone) in your life right now. You are seeking a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment in your life and your current place is failing to offer this. If you find yourself in this deeply dissatisfying place in life, then you must do all it takes to find the missing joy. Don’t feel guilt over telling someone ‘No’ or moving on from one chapter of your life to another. Our fortune card today supports us in this decision-making by bringing us the assurance that wonderful opportunities and new doors are waiting to be explored and walked through.





On a romantic level, some of you who are caught up in meaningless, dissatisfying relationships may be seeking something more. A deeper connection with someone on a soul level, perhaps. It is possible that this soul connection that you seek is missing in your current partnership. If you are unhappy in a union, why are you still hanging on? I know a lot of you cannot just walk away from dead or unfulfilling relationships because of the responsibilities that keep you grounded to this connection. But think of this – we have this one lifetime in hand to live, explore, and experience. Don’t waste it away. Life is here and happening for you as long as you are breathing, you have the freedom to choose and decide for yourself. Make choices that are in alignment with your heart’s true desire. This is the only chance you get.





If you have wished to connect with a soul mate, then the Universe is aligning to bring this connection to you. This also means any meaningless connections in your life will now fall apart and be out of your way. Follow your path with patience and forgiveness. Set your intentions this Full Moon to connect with a companion who you can share a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with.




This is also a good day to engage in humanitarian acts and to be of service to others. If your altruistic side is activated right now, heed the call and immerse yourself in acts of kindness, compassion, love, and support that you can offer to others through charitable means.


May this message serve you well today or whenever you read this post, beautiful.


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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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