Daily Tarot Guidance and Full Moon message for 16th July, 2019



Beautiful Souls,



We are in the midst of such powerful energies right now. With a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse looming over us, emotions can be felt more intensely today and a lot of stuff may come up to the surface for clearing, reviewing and cleansing.




Speaking of reviewing, we have the 7 of Pentacles, today. Eclipses are a great time to review our life, goals, situations, and make adjustments where necessary. Take a look at how far you have come these past few months. Have you made any progress? Notice what worked and what didn’t work for you and decide now on how you would like to proceed further.

If some of you are wondering whether a project, goal or a dream you have in mind is achievable, I would say, be prepared for hard work. Astrologically, the 7 of Pentacles is linked to Saturn in the sign of Taurus. I love how Tarot and Astrology go hand in hand most times as this Lunar eclipse is taking place in Sagittarius which is currently occupied by Saturn (I follow Vedic astrology).




Where Saturn comes, we must brace ourselves for hard work and slow progress. We will be pushed out of our comfort zones to put in extra efforts and do the work if we want to see solid results. Visualizations, setting clear intentions and affirmations need to be backed up with practical action steps. A laidback attitude will not do. Be willing to passionately work towards your dreams and you will be rewarded for your deserving efforts.  Similarly, if you have worked hard at something these past few months, you are very close to reaping the fruits of your hard labor.



Today is perfect for self-reflection, meditation, or any spiritual practice that can connect you with your higher self. If you sincerely set the intention to be guided and sit in silence for a few moments, connecting with your favorite deity or the energy you feel drawn to working with, you will receive inspiration, guidance, and insights. I highly recommend spending this day more mindfully. If possible, avoid any heavy-duty work and make time for solitary musings. Being out in the crowd can be draining so protect your energy. Spend this day being more in tune with what you want and focusing on self-care. Self-care could be as simple as reading a book or brewing a cup of herbal tea for yourself. So don’t get intimidated by the word self-care but just do what feels like rest and relaxation to you.




Now is also not the right time to rush into decision-making. Especially today with the eclipse energy in the atmosphere, it is best to avoid making decisions based on impulse and emotions. Even more when your own inner compass is guiding you to slow down and giving you a big ‘No’ about something.



May this message serve you well, lovelies! Blessed Full Moon.

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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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