Daily Tarot Guidance for 17th July, 2019


Beautiful People,



Thank you for joining me on today’s post.


After the heavy energy of last night’s Lunar eclipse, we have positive energy flowing our way today (yay). If you have felt lethargic and melancholic during the last two days or so, prepare to light up. Today, you are likely to feel more inspired and motivated. This is a day to bring fun and play into your life. This is a day to laugh, be silly, and give free rein to your inner child.


No matter how old you are or how much life’s ups and downs have weighed you down, it is never too late to imbibe some fun and frolic into your life. Notice what fun activities are calling you out today and engage. Do you feel like painting, writing a poem, singing, playing your favorite sport or doing anything that can bring you a sense of refreshment? Knock yourself out!



So many of us have cried, felt depressed and bogged down by heavy emotions these past few days. We have purged old emotions and had a big release. Now, refill that heart space with light and joyful activities. Eat that ice cream, take a bite of that pizza and celebrate life. Today is likely to bring opportunities to have fun and you should grasp this chance wholeheartedly.



Our intuition is sharp right now and we can easily tune into our soul’s wisdom to help us navigate through life. Pay attention to those hunches. The splendid Moon in all its glory has awakened and fine-tuned our inner compass so if you feel something strongly in your bones, pay heed.


Our fortune card today is ‘Carrot’. Carrot is a symbol of fertility and nourishment. It indicates a ripe period where good fortune is swayed in our direction. This day could bring some unexpected opportunities in many of our lives. Say yes and graciously accept it. Things are beginning to look up. With Yesterday’s 7 of pentacles, I believe many of us are also ready to reap the rewards of our hard-earned work.





I would like to end this post by saying that the Universe wants you to have fun and be happy. But we sometimes come in the way of our own happiness. We refuse to let go of past burdens and cling to negative perspectives. We live in the fear of getting hurt and put on layers of shields around us. We grow so comfortable being in the dark that we refuse to walk through open doors that could lead us to a new experience. Don’t let life pass you by. Don’t let go of even the smallest of chances to be happy and invite joy into your life. Go chase your dreams and go live your life to the fullest. Yes, there will be good days and bad days. But don’t let the bad days keep you from embracing, appreciating and accepting the good ones. Flow with this life.


May this message serve you well now or whenever you find your way here.



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Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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