What is your Abundance message now? Pick a card – 19th July, 2019


Hello Gorgeous Souls,



Its Friday! The day of Venus, Lakshmi, Abundance, Love and Beauty and I decided to do something different for us. I created a ‘Pick a card’ reading post using the ‘Angels of Abundance’ deck and my magical fortune deck for a guidance message.


When we hear the word ‘Abundance’, money comes to mind naturally. But Abundance is not just limited to money. It can be feeling abundantly blessed in your personal relationships, health, career, etc. As you prepare to choose a card today, be open to the concept of Abundance without limiting it to money alone.






Alrighty! Let’s get started! This is the time when you do your thing, get in the zone and pick a card that you feel drawn to from the piles below. Once you have chosen your card, scroll down the page to read your card’s message.



If you would like to book a private reading with me, check your options from the  Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form.




Keep scrolling!












Pile 1

Peaches, your success is assured and victory is in sight. However, you need to do something first. Stay centered in gratitude and only make room for positive thoughts and expectations in your life.  I also understand that sometimes this can be hard to implement especially when a lot is at stake or current circumstances tell you something else. But look at your message! You will win and overcome any current challenge with respect to a situation in your life if you can just remain patient and hold positive thoughts. Don’t lose faith or give up on your intentions and magic. Don’t write off the rituals you have put in place or think that your prayers will go unanswered. Give no place to negativity in your life. Simply practice calm surrender and know that good things are coming. Your blessing is on its way!






Pile 2


Hurrah! Obstacles and blocks are lifted. Archangel Michael is here to show you that your positive expectations and good deeds from the past have opened the doorways to blessings and you can now expect a smoother road ahead. If you were treated unfairly or have experienced injustice in the past with respect to a situation, fortune will favor you now. This may involve a legal situation also for some of you. So if you have been battling a court case for months or years, expect progress and positive developments now. If you deserve it, you will get it. Something that will further amplify this energy in your lives is practicing more and more gratitude and engaging in charitable acts. Do good and you will receive good. Be grateful and you will have more things to be grateful for.




Pile 3

Savings is the keyword, lovelies! I love how both cards are complementing each other in this pile. Your guidance right now is to save and hold back from wasting your resources. This is not the time to splurge or indulge in retail therapy. This is not the time to buy unimportant items just for the bling. Saving money and preserving your resources now will help you in the days to come. It may help you purchase or invest in a better deal in the future. You may be presented with better options going forward and imagine how good it will feel when you will have the required money and resources to invest at that point without feeling the shortage? Whatever your dreams and goals, take a frugal approach now so that you can reap the benefits in the near future.


Wishing All a blessed Friday! May Abundance flow your way and may these messages serve you well now or whenever you find them.

Om Gam Ganapatayeh Namah! 



Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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