Daily Tarot Guidance for 30th July, 2019


Good Morning from this part of the world, Lovelies!




We have some positive messages for this day. I will dive straight into the ‘Tankard‘ card which reads – Celebration, fun, and enjoyment. Celebration in the middle of a workweek, you ask? Why not? I think we should celebrate every day whenever we get the chance. The words ‘celebration’, ‘fun’ and ‘enjoyment’ take on a different meaning for all of us. I think today, we must motivate ourselves to do things that make us happy. Accept those pretty invites and find ways to de-stress and let loose.






The Universe may bring us an opportunity today that calls for a celebration. Remember we have the Page of Pentacles, too. So perhaps more money, a new opportunity, a new beginning of sorts, a chance to learn something new and move in a productive direction are all possible, today. Lately, I have been feeling the urge to learn new subjects related to the work I do, so that card fits perfectly for me. Whatever you start now, do bear in mind that patience, dedication, discipline, and hard work will be needed for you to see tangible progress. So if you start something new, commit to applying yourself to the task with all sincerity so that you can watch yourself grow.



Now, we also have the beautiful Earth Angel card, today. Earth Angel is just a term. In truth, we are all and we all can be earth angels. You are an earth angel when you care for this planet and do those little things that make a big difference to our living environment.  You are an earth angel when you choose to help a random stranger selflessly. You are an earth angel when you give with an open heart (when possible and without exhausting yourself) to those in need. How can you support this wondrous planet we call our home, today? How can practice selflessness today? We are being encouraged today to lead with love. I know this can be hard sometimes. But when you choose to love and not hate or feel bitter, more than showing kindness to the opposite person, you are showing kindness to yourself. You are making the space within your heart for healing and growth. For peace. Who knows what your selfless action today can bring you tomorrow?



One last thing. A new moon (also being referred to as Black Moon) is in the vicinity (July 31st). So if you step out in a crowded place, put on your energy bubble of protection. I am not saying this to instill fear. Sometimes, we all feel the impact of other people’s negativity quite strongly no matter how positive we choose to remain. Sometimes, an unintentionally directed energy can lower our own spirits and drain our energy reserves. Call on the wonderful Archangel Michael to support you today (or, follow a method of energy protection that works for you and supports your beliefs.)




With this, we now come to the end of this post and I wish you all a safe, happy, and prosperous Tuesday and I hope this post will serve to inspire and guide you, today.



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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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