Weekly Guidance for 2nd to 8th September, 2019



Tarot card of the week – 8 of wands (Mercury in Sagittarius)




8 wands criss-cross each other and hover over a body of water. Water and Fire are not the friendliest of elements. When water overpowers fire, it can easily put it off.







Staying focused can be a challenge this week. There will be too many things to accomplish on our to-do list, but the discipline needed to get work done may be missing. The good news is that you will have the energy to get things done and situations will move quickly this week.  Delays could even come to an end. But the challenging part is using this energy to your advantage. Distractions need to be kept at bay and we must make most of the favorable situations by striking when the iron is hot.



Emotions are a powerful thing and if we allow them to take control of us, we can end up drowning in the deep waters of moodiness. Some of you need to monitor your responses and reactions this week. Don’t let passing feelings overpower you and thwart your perfectly laid out plans. Practicality and sensibility are needed as we move through the first week of September.



This can be quite an exciting week for singles as well as those in established relationships. The 8 of wands is often called as the travel card so maybe you and your beloved may end up going on unexpected and unplanned trips. Singles, if you are expecting love, this is not the week. Though it looks like plenty of hot, passionate moments could present themselves, don’t pin your hopes on someone you just met. Communication is key and I see an increase in the number of calls and texts this week. Speak clearly and honestly but don’t end up saying too much too soon. If misunderstandings have marred a relationship, this is a good week to work towards clarifying and coming clean.



Mercury’s energy is highlighted in this card and Mercury, as many of you know, is a planet of communication, ideas, and intelligence. This week bodes well for all types of businesses. Come up with new ideas and strategies to market your brand and grow your network. Figure out new and creative ways to advertise your brand in order to reach more people. If good opportunities show up, explore them and take advantage. These offers may not wait for you in the coming days so if you like something, take it. Short trips may come up for some of you so plan your schedule well.




On a spiritual note, too, this week could bring new awakenings and a-ha moments. You could be making fast progress and your intuition will be crisp throwing you clear signs that you cannot miss.





I would like to end this weekly reading by sharing a card with you that I think perfectly blends in with the 8 of wands. From ‘The four agreements’ card deck, we have the message: Speak with integrity.



As I was saying earlier, communication will play a very important role this coming week. A lot can be changed and transformed through words. Your words will impact the outcome of a situation and therefore, it is important that you don’t roll out words carelessly. Think before you speak and may your actions come from a place of awareness.






With this, I wish you all a fabulous first week of September friends.



This is a general reading for us as a collective and it may nor may not resonate with all. Take what applies and use the guidance where applicable in your life. However, if you have a personal situation where you could use guidance, I offer paid readings as well. Check your options from the  Buy a Tarot Reading section or send me a message using the Contact form.

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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