Tarotscopes for the week of 28th October to 3rd November, 2019


Hey beautiful souls! Happy Halloween and Happy Diwali to those celebrating.  I was inspired to write the weekly Tarotscopes for the upcoming week.




In these Tarotscopes, I have been open and honest about what was communicated to me through the cards and I understand that some things may not sound very pleasant. Please understand that these are general forecasts for all zodiac signs (Moon and Rising signs included) and nothing is set in stone. Therefore, take what resonates and leave the rest. If you notice, I am also talking about ‘health and well-being’. Many readers don’t do ‘health’ readings. I have only mentioned some mundane possibilities and I strongly advise that you take these lightly and that you don’t rely on Tarot but seek medical attention in case of an emergency or for any matter concerning health. Again, take what makes sense and leave the rest. Most importantly, wait for the week to play out and see what resonates.



These are general readings and if  you would like a personal reading, you can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries. Alright! Onto the messages now.




Ariens, this week is about giving equal importance to all areas of your life and maintaining the balance. In life, we win some and we lose some. While you may not receive something that you are hoping for, something good will also present itself. You must take caution against an individual this week who is reckless, argumentative, and brash. You must also avoid acting like one as this could become your hindrance and lead to unpleasant consequences. Watch the words you utter and carefully weigh your actions. Also, pay attention to your diet. Avoid junk, unhealthy and unhygienic food as you could be more susceptible to stomach issues. Is your body receiving the necessary nutrition? Take note. The way forward this week is to be confident and self-assured.

Spiritual tip for the week: Trust the wisdom within you. You know what to do. Engage in charitable acts.





Taureans, you need closure from a relationship or a connection this week. Something is bothering you giving rise to anxiety, tension, heartache, and pain. You know what to do. Don’t wait and waste time. Be brave enough to walk away from this painful experience. Listen to what your soul is asking you to do. Relationship healing is possible this week. When it comes to general health and well-being, some of you need to pay attention to the signs and go seek medical assistance. Go for a check-up if circumstances ask for it. Do not procrastinate. Relationships of all kinds will be important this week. It could be a business partnership, meeting an old friend, making a new friend, or even going out on a date. Let those positive connections in your life uplift and bring you joy.

Spiritual tip for the week: Expect a miracle this week, Taureans. Something unexpected and unforeseen comes to pass taking you by surprise. Keep the faith.




Gemstars, this week’s energy is positive and opens the door for new opportunities and avenues. You could be doing a bit of traveling this week. This week is also good for planning and exploring your options. If your business or work involves overseas or long-distance clients, expect the arrival of positive news. Gemstars, though it is not very likely for your sign to get overly sentimental, you must guard against emotional ups and downs this week. This is not the week to wear your heart on the sleeves and you must watch against displaying a maudlin temperament. Some of you could be dealing with an emotionally manipulative person/lover who could be playing with your sentiments. Don’t fall for the self-pitying/self-loathing. This week,  you are encouraged to step out and do something fun. Go on a vacation, if you can, breathe some fresh air, accept invitations and take part in celebrations. Keep yourself well-hydrated. If you are going to spend time outside in a sunny location, watch out against sunburns and heat strokes. Mood swings could be high so avoid making big decisions when you are not in a stable state of mind.

Spiritual tip for the week: Do less, Gemstars. Cut down on unnecessary work and keep your schedule simple. Alternatively, avoid going out of your way to do things for others. This week is about celebrating, honoring, pampering and appreciating yourself.





Cancerians, this week your social life is under the spotlight. You may receive many invitations and opportunities to go out, celebrate, get-together and have some fun (maybe whirl and twirl on the dancefloor, too). However, this is sort of a mixed bag week for you, Cancerians. You may also be prone to mood swings and emotional ups and downs. Sleep may be disturbed. Stop giving yourself in places where you are not appreciated. At the same time, stop running away from real problems and emotions and avoid using alcohol or even food as a coping mechanism to stress. Do not trust everyone and everything you see and hear this week. For some of you, the chances of betrayal from a friend are looking high. Pay attention to your diet. Emotional binge eating and drinking are both highlighted. Your body needs nutrition. Also, some of you will need to take care of your neck/back this week.

Spiritual tip for the week: Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up on something because you are weak. Surrendering is no longer trying to control an outcome and allowing the magic of the Universe to step in. Your message this week is to surrender to the divine.




Leo’s this week, you will be working closely with people. Team-work is important so do not isolate yourself or turn down help and guidance. Guidance will come from mature, learned and wise individuals. Take what I am about to say next with a grain of salt and use your own judgment. I am seeing themes of consulting a doctor coming up on the cards for some of you. Whether it is your routine check-up or something that has been bothering your well-being for a while, do not postpone your visit to a doctor and get examined by a qualified medical practitioner. If some of you are already facing health issues, this week shows positive developments and improvements. Some of you may suffer from dehydration as well so keep yourself hydrated.

Spiritual tip for the week: Expect a miracle this week, Leos. Something unexpected and unforeseen comes to pass taking you by surprise. Keep the faith.




Virgos, this week may not turn out to be all sunshine and roses. Emotional issues from the past will need to be dealt with. Some of you may feel cut off from your family, home, and near and dear ones as well. I also sense reluctance in many of you to let go of the past and move forward. Understand Virgos, that you are keeping yourself from making progress, not someone else. The enemy is in the mind not circumstances. I also sense that although something new is being offered to you (perhaps a new perspective, offer, or a chance at something), you are refusing to look at it. Start appreciating what you already have. You will also need to up your level of water intake this week. Some of you may experience body cramps. Take good care of yourself.


Spiritual tip for the week: Virgos, accept life’s challenges for those challenges hold the power to help you grow.




Librans, this could be a pretty heavy week on you emotionally speaking. You may feel like withdrawing from the world around you. Some stress and anxiety are also being highlighted. Do not make big decisions this week nor get influenced by others. Take good care of yourself if you are feeling a little under the weather. Where general health and well-being is concerned, pay attention to your emotional health. If you are prone to experiencing bouts of depression, then you must watch against possible triggers. Going counseling, seeking therapy or seeking help in any matter is advised. I am also seeing some work-related stress involving other people this week for some of you. Keep your communication gentle, be more compassionate and understanding towards others and yourself, and trust your intuition. If possible, do something helpful for oceans and aquatic living beings this week.

Spiritual tip for the week: Librans , stop trying to control anyone or anything this week. As you relinquish control, you release unwanted stress and invite peace.




Scorpions, there could be a lot on your plate this upcoming week. You must take care to see that you are not taking on more than you can handle. Simply put – don’t bite off more than you can chew. Many different tasks and responsibilities on your shoulders could stress you out this week. Watch your back as backaches and spine related issues may come up for some. Also, this week, something may come to an unpleasant ending. This may feel like the final straw that does it for you. Do not lose hope and courage. Face this completion bravely as a new start awaits you. Something that will help you this week is being around and spending more time with family and loved ones. Make time for your loved ones.

Spiritual tip for the week: Dare to be creative this week, Scorpions. Let your unique ideas and inspirations take form.





Are you isolating yourself from all the fun, Archers? I see that this week, life will offer you plenty of opportunities to feel joy and engage your inner child but you may feel withdrawn and alone. Yes, you need some solitary moments, Archers, but only from those who constantly keep taking from you. Turn your focus towards yourself. What can you do this week to support your well-being and growth? It is also important to stop being stubborn and childish this week when it comes to matters that are not rigged for your highest good. You know what these are. Take care of your neck this week as I am sensing that neck issues could come up for some. Some of you may also feel lonely but you are not. There is a whole world of goodness waiting out there for you partake in if only you would allow yourself.

Spiritual tip for the week: Take one negative habit into consideration and work on breaking free of it.



Capricornians, you must watch against escapism this week. Do not run away from your duties and responsibilities else it will all pile up to become unmanageable. I also see trying your best to juggle between multiple options this week. Do not take on more than you can handle. You must also watch your finances and spend money wisely this week. Even in relationships, do not try to run away from difficult emotions and misunderstandings. Clear the air. You may be dealing with someone untrustworthy this week. Do not pin your hopes on this individual. There will also be some important choices to make this week. Pay attention to your neck. I am also seeing a lack of energy and lethargy getting hold of some of you. Manage your time and resources carefully.

Spiritual tip for the week: Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities. They are put on your path for a reason.




 Aquarians, this week you may be battling against negative feelings and may feel restricted and helpless in some aspect. You must work on overcoming the negative self-talk otherwise this can weaken your energy and confidence. It may even blind towards new possibilities and your very own brilliant potential. Stressful situations may come up for you but you must learn to deal with them by remaining calm and through courage. Reconnect with an old friend or someone you have not been in touch with for a while. Try to find strength and inspiration from your past. Help or positive experiences could come from a prominent woman figure in your life such as mother, sister or wife. Some of you may experience body cramps this week. Headaches could also be common. Stay hydrated and use flowers (if you are not allergic) to uplift your energy and space.
Spiritual tip for the week: Become better at one thing this week, Aquashines. Focus on self-empowerment and keep growing.




Pisceans, this week watch against reckless and aggressive behavior. If this is not you, then take caution against someone of this nature who could create chaos and bring unnecessary stress in your life. I see that many of you may not be in the right headspace to make informed and right decisions this week. Avoid acting on incomplete information and resist negative impulsive urges. When feeling confused, it is best to seek guidance from those who are in a position to help you. Some of you also need to take time to connect with your guides in spirit. Set the intention to connect with them and seek advice on matters that are confusing or creating negativity around you. At work too, be willing to seek advice and work together as a team. You must guard against negativity this week, Pisceans. Also avoid reckless driving especially when under the influence of mood-altering substances such as alcohol, pills, or other substances.


Spiritual tip for the week: Be open to spiritual guidance this week, Pisceans. Spirit is communing with you. Notice the signs which are often subtle yet create a sense of peace and diminish fear.



May these messages serve you well. 

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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