Pick a card for the week of 11th to 17th November, 2019

Hey Gorgeous Souls,


I am a little late in writing the weekly post but better late than never, right?

For this week, I chose to do a 3 card reading where you can pick a number that calls you out and then scroll down to read the post.

Do bear in mind that this is a general reading for us all as a collective. If you are interested in purchasing a reading, you can visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section on my site or reach me by filling in the Contact form for inquiries.

Once you are grounded and relaxed, choose a card or a number from the image above that draws you in. Go with your first instinct. Then, scroll down to read the messages.




















Number 1


General guidance: With the 10 of coins, this week the spotlight is on all matters pertaining to family. There is so much warmth and love in this card. The joy of being in the company of your loved ones and sharing hearty moments under one roof. So this week, there could be family reunions and get-togethers. Now, if you are someone who barely spends time with family or off-late have become too busy to spend quality time with loved ones, then this is a nudge to you to make more time to nurture your personal connections. Yes, we do need money to survive and we all want to excel in our respective careers. But you are as good as a robot if you don’t make time for fun, laughter, and get-togethers. Some of you may be deprived of a ‘good family’ situation. Maybe you don’t get along with your relatives or your family makes you feel the opposite of joy. Don’t worry! Family here also refers to our soul fam – the people who may not be related to us by blood but are still closer to our hearts. If you are going through a lonely and depressing time, then bank on the support of your loved ones this week. Also, pay attention to the quality of life that you giving to your pets (if you have any). Are you spending enough time with your fur baby? Are you paying attention to their needs?

Spiritual guidance: Surrender to your soul’s path. It is said that our soul has carefully picked all the lessons and life experiences that we are currently undergoing for growth and evolvement. If your current circumstances are testing you, know that there is a reason why you are going through this experience. Surrender to your soul’s intelligence and purpose. Embrace the people and situations that have been put on your path at this time for you have a great deal to learn from them. Open your imaginative arms and say ‘Yes’ to your soul’s mission. You are in the perfect place and time.

Number 2

General guidance: Our Charioteer on this card seems a bit eccentric and even reckless. His eyes are closed as he tries to maneuver his way on that skateboard. This week, consider where you are being careless. Watch out against road rage and drive responsibly. There is also a message here for some to embrace your individuality and stand out from the crowd. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing just because the status quo demands it. You are born you’re your own unique creative streak and you must embrace this individualistic side to you, no matter how unconventional it may seem. In short, do what makes you happy and don’t worry about what others will think. Some of you need a break from a stale situation. Has life turned dull, lethargic, and mundane? Have you been feeling lifeless, uninspired and bored? Step out of the familiar scene and do something different this week. Travel or go on a trip, if you can. De-stress and find ways to free your compressed soul. Important travel may also be in store for some of you this week.


Spiritual guidance: Surrender your addictions. This is a big one! We all are suffering from some form of addiction. From drugs to nicotine to sugar to caffeine to bad attitude to devastating patterns. You must identify what your addiction is this week and work on healing and putting an end to it. I know some of you may be sighing right now thinking, ‘If only it were that easy.’ If we accept a defeated attitude and never work on healing and re-aligning our lives, we are the ones who will end up paying for it, too. Often, payback comes in the form of poor and deteriorating health or sadness, heartache, and mentally limiting beliefs that keep us from living our best life. Take charge of your life this week and work on eliminating at least one negative habit or addiction. Seek help if the habit is deep-rooted and if you are struggling to overcome it. Join support groups or seek guidance from the right people to inspire and steer you on the right path. Pump up that willpower to help you overcome and achieve a goal that will result in a healthy YOU.

Number 3

General guidance: The 2 of blades is not a pleasant energy to be in. It feels like you are ignoring, procrastinating and denying something that needs to be addressed. There is a mess that needs to be cleared yet you may be delaying what needs to be done. Whether this is something as mundane as cleaning the space you live in or something as important as paying attention to the red flags, you must take action. Do not delay or procrastinate before the situation gets messier or things go out of control. Your health needs attention this week, as well. Pay attention to your diet. Eating unhealthy, unhygienic and junk food can lead to stomach and digestive issues. Some of you need to wake up to the reality of a situation that is looming over your head. Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away. Take the steps that are necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of your life.

Spiritual Guidance: It can be so hard to trust when life keeps dishing one challenge after the other, isn’t it? Yet, the law of this Universe asks us to surrender to trust. Trust that everything will be okay and that we will be shown the way to our ultimate highest goal. This week calls for trust. It is not just about trusting this Universe to help you on your path but also trusting yourself and your decisions. Know that you know better. Do not be persuaded by others to do something that you are not keen on doing. Do not let others dominate and violate your boundaries. Learn to say ‘No’ and also remember that you are your own oracle. If you have prayed for help, then it will come. If you have asked to be shown the way forward, you will be guided. Trust, beautiful soul.

May these messages serve you well.

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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