What do you need to release this New Moon? Pick a card (reveal included in the post)

Blessed New Moon, lovelies! It is that time of the month where we must prepare to shed what no longer serves us and start a new cycle. Are you ready to pick a card to receive some guidance? If the message doesn’t make sense now, give it some time. Often I have found that some situations play out in the days to come. Also, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.






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If you chose card 1, your message is ‘Surrender to effortlessness’.Magic happens when we let go and surrender the outcome to the Divine. Have you noticed how once you give up on a situation, it gains momentum and changes start manifesting? You must show this same faith with your current situation or phase of life right now. The less you do, the more you will accomplish in terms of manifesting. The more you worry and try harder, the more you will keep pushing the outcome or may end up manifesting what you are fearing. Even the Judgment card from the Tarot comes bearing a message that it is time to surrender and trust the intelligence of the Divine.



The themes of forgiveness and starting over are coming up for some of you this New Moon. Your past may have brought scarring wounds and painful experiences. Perhaps some of you are still holding onto things from the days or years gone by while ignoring the call to awaken and forge a new path ahead. The time to push the reset button is NOW. The time to let go and let God is NOW (whatever your definition of God is).


Very few of you reading this message may be dealing with a situation that involves health and well-being. You may be praying for recovery or perhaps there is someone in your life who needs a healing miracle. Again, let the Divine figure out the details. Trust and go with the flow.





If you chose 2, your message reads, ‘Surrender comparisons with other people’. There are two things that are being highlighted for you this New Moon. One, the need to work around your worthiness and two, to stop drawing comparisons with others. We have all fallen victim to the trap of comparison where we use another’s success and progress to measure our own. While healthy competition is needed sometimes, if you get consumed with trying to be better or on par with another, you will always feel insecure and dissatisfied. Even if you end up becoming ‘better’ than someone else, what next? There will be someone else who will make you feel less prominent and the vicious cycle will continue.


Stop this cycle and bring your focus and awareness towards your own life. Don’t worry about how much money the other person is making or how beautiful the other person looks. Don’t worry about how talented the other person is. Have you taken the time to reflect on your own skillsets and inherent talent? Have you given yourself credit for your accomplishments? Keep your eyes focused on you and your energy focused on your life and it’s betterment. Know your worth and believe in your purpose and mission. You matter!


Some of you reading this may have recently encountered betrayal and foul play. Someone may have gone behind your back to do something that left you in pain and at a feeling of loss. There may have been a situation where you lost or felt dejected. It is also possible that this is the root cause of your insecurity and lack of self-worth. It is time to release this situation with full forgiveness and gratitude. Do not carry the residue of this unfortunate situation. Instead, think of what this experience has taught you instead and keep moving.






If you chose 3, your guidance is to ‘Surrender the habit of people-pleasing’. How long will you keep catering to others’ needs and well-being while ignoring your own? Some of you reading this message need to start focusing on your own happiness and needs instead of fulfilling others requests all the time.


You may be ignoring your own feelings while wanting to do what is best for others. While we must give back to the world in our way to maintain the balance and stop being utterly consumed by selfishness, you are doing yourself a huge disservice if you have become a doormat to others and have repressed your desires, words, feelings, and needs.


Give yourself the love and kindness that you are giving to others. Stop worrying about upsetting others at the cost of upsetting yourself. Be outspoken about your needs and do not settle for less.


Some of you may be involved in an official situation where a person may be abusing their power over you. You may be too busy satisfying this person’s never-ending wants just hoping to get ahead and be favored. Do not fall victim to this game of politics. Pray for guidance on this situation and stop compromising your integrity. Something better will find a way to you if you trust and respect yourself more.


With that, we come to the end of this post and I wish you the very best. Thank you for being here!

Sonya Singh | Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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