Energy Reading for the week of 16th to 22nd December, 2019



Hey Gorgeous beings! In this post, let’s take a look at the energy of the week ahead for us all as a collective. These are general messages so observe how you can adapt them to your situations. In the end, take what resonates and leave the rest.



I am available this entire week for Tarot card readings and also distance Lama Fera healing sessions. For more questions or to make a booking, send me an e-mail at [email protected] or DM on any of my official social media handles.





The week ahead brings us lots of intuitive nudges, signs, and omens. What is important is that we trust the guidance that comes from within and also in our surroundings.


At the beginning of the week, find balance in life. Bring down the excesses and adopt moderation wherever necessary. Instead of rushing into things, take time to contemplate, meditate, and make well-informed decisions. If something rings true to your heart and if you feel an inexplicable urge to do or avoid something, trust it.


When it comes to general health, headaches could be common during this period. Drink plenty of water and do not skip a visit to the doc where situations demand. We are also being asked to remain patient during this time. What you want may not come about immediately. There could be delays or redirections. However, we must understand that there is a divine timing for everything to play out in life.



As we move to the middle of the week, we must be wary of fearful energies. This is a period where we may begin questioning our plans and doubting ourselves. Some of us may try to run away from situations and conflicts that actually need a head-on confrontation. We must observe any tendencies of escapism and work on overcoming it.


A small fraction of people may harbor worries and tension about what other people might say or think of them. As they say, haters are going to hate. Do not get sucked into their drama or allow them to define who you are. Sometimes, we must simply accept our truth and know that our truth is all that matters to us. Visiting a holy place during this period can bring a sense of relief and peace. The energy of a sacred center can be calming, reassuring, and a soothing balm to our wounded hearts. Make time for a short (or, long) spiritual journey.


Some of you must take care of your neck during this period as neck sprains are possible. There could be too much running around and thinking that could be happening. The best advice is to remain calm and relaxed. A little advice to take care of your belongings and take extra caution against deceptive deals and untrustworthy people as well. There could be theft of ideas, energy, and even items if care is not taken.





Coming to the end of the week, our sensitivity levels could be high during this phase. We may end up becoming like sponges that absorb the energy of our environment and company and that’s why, get your protection game on and steer clear of people who are demanding, rude, and exhibit all signs of an energy vampire.



We may also feel a sense of loss during this phase. Instead of focusing on the positive, our minds may coax us into feeling and believing that all is not well. Energy levels could go down for many of us and a spiritual remedy to that is to do several cleansing meditations and to be in the company of supportive and positive people. I suggest that because often when we are depressed and alone, it can be hard to pull us out of the funk without outside support. If you are someone who is going through depression, then extra care needs to be taken during this time to keep your mood in check. Avoid any heavy, intoxicating substances or beverages this weekend as this could lead to mood swings and make matters worse.




That may sound dreary on how we may end the weekend but remember, in every situation, we have the choice to either focus on the positive or the negative. This is a choice that only you can make for yourself. Change your perspective and look at the bright side of things. Even the most challenging of circumstances and people often bring out the best in us and enhance our talents, acquaint us with new skills and get us in touch with our own inner reserves of strength.


With that, I wish you a week filled with strength, positive experiences, and hope that you pick the beautiful lessons enmeshed in testing situations.

Om Namah Shivaya

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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