Weekly Tarotscopes for 13th to 19th January 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week ahead. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.




Ariens, this week, do some stretches and get some exercise. If you are already doing this, great, keep up the good work! Your body will benefit from movement and as a result, your creative spark will also be ignited. This week, I am sensing enthusiasm, energy, and drive in your cards. You seem to be all gassed up to try new things. The only thing to bear in mind is that you don’t end up burning yourself too much with overconfidence and by promising more than you can deliver. In love, expect passion to be reignited or the Universe leading you towards new opportunities. The sexual intimacy quotient is also very high. New avenues may show up at work as well. Be careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly and acting immaturely.




Taureans, this week is about honoring yourself and your feelings. Sometimes, we feel one thing but end up doing something completely different either to please others or because we don’t trust ourselves. Don’t do that, this week. For once, give permission to yourself to choose what you want and to accept how you feel. I am also seeing new beginnings and opportunities on the horizon for you this week. You may experience a sense of renewal and see new growth. Health seems to be on the upside with improvement underway and opportunities in both financial and career aspects are also present. Pay attention to the new ideas that you receive.





Gemstars, this week all may not be well on an emotional level. You may experience a sense of solitude and disconnection from the world. You may feel the need to spend more time alone, away from all the hustle and bustle. If you are need of some alone time, take it, unapologetically. The post-eclipse effects may be the culprit. Travel is on the cards for some and financially, this week may not be the best. Leg aches may occur for some it is best to practice sobriety as you must focus on stabilizing your mood. Many of you may experience a sense of dissatisfaction and detachment in your love life. Take the space you need to clear your head. The time to walk away from something meaningless and empty has also come. If someone is trying to manipulate you, stop feeding their narcissistic tendencies and falling prey to their tactics.




Cancerians, a ‘can-do’ attitude is needed this week from you in order to excel. You may also need to adopt a leadership stance and take charge of situations if you want to see progress. Don’t wait for someone to come and show you the way. Find it on your own as you are much capable of doing so. Some of you may experience discomfort because of too much heat in the body so ensure you keep hydrating yourself frequently. In matters related to work and finances, show confidence and you will win admiration and even some fans. This can turn out to be quite a fiery week for some of you where matters of heart and intimacy are concerned. Someone may even catch your attention and you may feel more open to experimenting with and exploring your sensual side. A travel opportunity may show up for some of you this week which will be highly beneficial as it will lead you towards success and new doors. Move in a new direction and get active.




Leos, financial blessings are on their way and I am seeing some of you being able to resolve money matters this week. This could mean paying the debt off or finding resources in the nick of time which will help you better your financial situation. Support and help are available to you in plenty this week. You will, however, need to muster your inner strength to keep motivating and pushing yourself to do what is best and right for you. There is a message for some of you to stop giving where your help and gifts are not being appreciated. Don’t let people take advantage of your kindness and be careful of the negative talkers, as you may end up absorbing their negativity. Take care of your neck and back this week and do not give away your power to someone abusive.




Virgos, relationships and new connections have been a theme for you in my readings and this week as well, relationships are coming up as the main theme, both professionally and/or personally. This is a good week to sign new contracts and enter new partnerships for you. You may even meet new associates and friends who could resonate with you on many levels. I am also seeing the possibilities of engagement, exchanging of vows in a ceremony or entering a deep place of commitment with someone. Improvements related to health are also underway, however, some of you may need to seek guidance for this. If medical attention is needed, do not ignore the signs. Nature will work magic for you this week, Virgos, and so, I highly recommend that you spend time connecting with the natural world around you. If you need rejuvenation, new ideas, and inspiration to flow through your life, plant those feet on fresh blades of grass and get grounded.





Librans, there are times when the Universe rapidly manifests our desires and brings us exactly what we have been wanting and this week, your manifestations are on fast forward. Careful what you ask because not everything that we often want is for our highest good. Having said that, expect some long-pending wishes coming true as well. You must guard against negativity this week, Librans. Also, pay attention to your own attachments and co-dependent behavior. Where do your commitments lie? Is it a good place or a bad place? Notice your triggers and toxic behaviors that are keeping you from rising and experiencing a good life, that you so deserve. Gather the strength to cut all toxic ties this week and do a cleansing (try saltwater baths) to clear your energy. Addictions of all kinds may hold many of you victim this week and it is important to work on overcoming them before they start taking a drastic toll on your well-being.




Scorpions, your message this week is to practice patience and to know that divine timing is at work, should your heart’s desire take too long to come to fruition. Do not be in a rush to do or possess something. Give things some time and you will either learn their true reality or receive something exactly when you are ready. This week, make more time for your loved ones and focus on emotional bonding. The family may need your attention, especially if you have been ignoring your loved ones for some time because of other preoccupations. Motivate and support your family and near and dear ones. Plan a trip or a date to spend more time enjoying the good bonds that you are blessed with at this time. For a tiny percentage of you, this week bodes well for matters related to home (either purchasing or finding a new place). Emotional bonding is crucial for your happiness this week. Don’t ignore it.




Archers, this week calls for more faith and trust that your desires are within reach and to not give up on your dreams. You may be waiting to see the results of something for a while and a little more wait is needed at this point to see everything come together. Also, don’t curse or get upset by the mishappenings taking place at this time. The rejection or failure you may encounter now is actually for your highest good and you will piece this puzzle sooner or later. Trust and go with the flow. This week, you may have a lot on your plate and maybe finding it hard to stay balanced. Try not to take on too much work or responsibilities. Your focus and attention span may also suffer because of this and it is advised to strike a balance or take a break if you can. Finances need careful management as well. Many of you may experience lethargy this week, so make it a point to get as much rest as you can.




Capricornians, many of you may suffer betrayal or encounter a negative experience this week from someone. As upsetting as this sounds, know that this is the perfect time to get away from a situation and be done with it. Yes, it is important to not wear your hearts on your sleeves this week and to also cut down on lofty expectations from others. A third party may be responsible for creating some chaos so be alert and aware. The Universe is guiding you to move away from abusive ties and manipulative people. If you recognize them, don’t wait and waste more time arguing or reasoning. Be done with the selfish ones. The events that may conspire this week could push you in a new direction. Move ahead. When it comes to health, emotionally and mentally, this may be a testing week for many of you.




Aquarians, this week may bring confusion and you may experience a lack of emotional peace. Clarity seems to be missing on something and the path ahead may also seem twisted. If some of you tend to easily succumb to feeling low, you must take extra care this week as the chances of experiencing highs and lows are big. Stress, headaches and sleep issues may also appear for some. Your dreamworld may also disturb some of you with occasional nightmares. Someone or something could be irritating you this week. Try to meditate, remain calm and stay as focused as you can.  Reclaim your innocence this week. Get back in touch with that happy, fun, and amusing part of you that you may have lost in the busy-ness of life. Find happiness in the small things and actively seek to do things that bring you pure joy. Your inner child needs plenty of love and nurturing this week. Offer him/her this love.





Pisceans, this week is pushing you towards a challenge that will actually bring out the best in you. Do not be afraid of the tiny obstacles that may throw up this week as you have the power and strength to overcome them. You must use your abilities, gifts, and foresight to figure out a way and emerge a winner (oh, you absolutely can. You got this!). The more you trust and believe in yourself, the more you will be surprised at how much you can actually accomplish and get done. So fire up that will power! Balance is very very important this week. Lose it and you will find everything spiraling down. Do not overindulge in any one thing while ignoring another. I sense that some of you may be visiting physicians or getting medical or health consultations this week. You are on the road to recovery and healing but you must wait a little more before you reach your goal. Patience, please! If you are battling some kind of addiction, then this week, more will power is needed to not fall back into the same old destructive pattern. Control your anger and do not act impulsively. Think before you act, spend, or say something.

Blessed Week ahead!

Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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