Weekly Tarotscopes for 20th to 26th January, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 20th to 26th January, 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.




Ariens, this week, passion, enthusiasm and oodles of energy is within your grasp. Not only are you going to feel confident but you are also beating all the blues, boredom and lethargy. New activities may interest you. You may be in the mood to explore and experiment as well. The only advice to bear in mind is that you don’t overpromise yourself or others beyond your means. This is also a good week for dating and new connections. The Universe is guiding you to take excellent care of your body. It is important to feed your body nourishing and healthy foods. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and do not miss out on your workout sessions. Keep fit.




Taureans, relationship healing is possible this week. You are being guided to step out of your ego and open your heart to both receiving and exchanging love. Do not hold onto grudges or let misunderstanding damage your connections with others. This week’s energy supports reconciliation, reunions, and focuses on healing relationship pain. This week, you are also encouraged to work with others and ask for support where necessary. Partnerships are favored and it is possible that new contracts, alliances, and bonds may be formed. When it comes to your general health and well-being, it is possible that you may meet the right professional who can help you with recovery and healing. Improvements are underway.





Gemstars, like your fellow Taureans, you too may experience relationship healing and bonding. Most importantly, you are being guided to work on healing and overcoming issues around self-esteem. Some of you need to better your relationship with yourself before you can think of improving your connections with others in your life. Do you love yourself enough? Do you love your body? There may even be sensual inhibitions that some of you are carrying within that needs to be worked upon. This week, the Universe will support your relationships and offer you the chance to clear misunderstandings with someone in your life. This could be an important soul connection. Instant connections and attractions are high on the menu. Existing relationships may also receive blessings.




Cancerians, there is some aspect of your life that needs addressing this week as I see some of you living in denial. The time has come for you to acknowledge and accept the situation for what it is and be free. You must process your emotions and not run from them. Start seeing things and life situations for what they are and do not turn a blind eye. This week, I also see some of you reaping the rewards of past efforts. The fruits of your labor may be ripe for the picking. Some situations in your life need to be viewed objectively. Do not be quick to make decisions. Instead, take some time to review your options and come up with the best approach forward. Avoid putting too much strain on your neck.




Leos, matters concerning family will be important this week. Some of you need to act mature and take the higher road when it comes to dealing with a situation involving your family or a family member. Clear communication is important but avoid the impulse to be brash or even rude. You may feel mentally unstable this week, going back and forth on something, Leos. Therefore, it is best to not rush into any serious decision-making. You need more information and clarity before you can take action. Do not be quick to judge, act, or utter words. Arguments and conflict can be averted depending on you.




Virgos, this week is about practicing self-control. Notice where you need to practice control in your life? Temptations may be high around you and they may distract you from your goal. Your decisions and resolve may be put to test as well. However, with control over your actions and mind, you can emerge victorious and not get side-tracked from pursuing what is really important for you at this time. It is also important to be honest and blunt this week with someone. If you are being misunderstood, it is time to speak up. If you have something important to say, then don’t mince your words. Be straightforward otherwise, you won’t be taken seriously.





Librans, this week’s energy is highly fertile and supports inner growth and rekindling of your passion. Speaking of fertility, I believe any matter related to an actual pregnancy is highly supported and is likely to work in your favour. This is a week where your ability to create and breathe life into something, whether a project, a new invention, or a divinely guided idea, is extremely high. Go ahead and create and let your creative spark give birth to something beautiful. Financially too, this week is extremely positive for so many of you. Money is coming your way. There is a sense of security and you may even receive a high-end project that eases monetary tension. Growth is all around you, Librans. Sensually too, this week is full of fire.




Scorpios, discipline is the keyword this week. You must practice it diligently to fulfill your goals and successfully complete your assignments. Do not procrastinate important matters and avoid distractions that can derail you from your mission. If you are serious about something and ready to give it your 100%, nothing can stop you from tasting success. This week may be mentally straining for some of you. You may have to move on from a situation that has reached a dead-end. This journey may not be a comfortable one but there is no point lingering in the pain or wasting more time. Expect emotions and mind to experience instability yet, you have all the support you need to move through this phase with grace. An important journey is also very likely to come up for some.




Archers, this week, your instincts are telling you something loud and clear but are you listening? It is important to trust your inner knowing as important guidance will come from within. That being said, this week can be a difficult one for some of you. Overthinking could be the main culprit behind this. You may experience extreme worry and tension. You may be driving yourself up the wall thinking of the worse scenarios. It is important to find something that helps you stay grounded and imbibes positivity in your life such as reading an uplifting book or practicing meditation to calm your mind. Some of you may experience troubled sleep or nightmares. Backaches may create discomfort as well therefore, take excellent care of yourself, Archers. Inner child issues need healing for some. This may be the time to break an old pattern and be free.




Capricorns, someone may challenge you this week. The energy of competition is coming through strongly for you. If this is an actual competition then you must ensure that you brush up your skills and put your best foot forward. This week may test your inner strength as well. Be courageous and do not be intimidated by overpowering individuals or circumstances. Just give it your best and believe in yourself. In some scenarios, it will be important to remove yourself from the competition mindset. Do not judge your worth based on someone else’s insecurity or by past failures. A sweet and loving message or proposal may come your way this week as well, Capricorns. I even see some of you mountain goats wearing your hearts on your sleeves and taking a shine to someone.




Aquarians, this week you are encouraged to find more time to rest and enjoy quiet and rejuvenating activities. When was the last time you curled up with a good book, or gave yourself some spa treatment, or spent time catering to your body, mind, and soul? It is time to stop overthinking and analyzing and give your mind some break. If your mental energy is feeling depleted or if you find that you are unable to find clarity or come up with solutions, this quiet time will help you gain perspective and new ideas. Spiritual growth is taking place this week, Aquarians. You may develop new understanding of an old matter. Mental transformation is occurring on a deep level. Communication will be important so make sure you are clear about your agendas and needs with others.





Pisceans, this week brings growth and renewed energy. With your imagination, you can birth creative projects and start new ventures. Allow your inner child to have fun and let loose. Do not hold back from doing those silly, innocent things that brought you joy as a child. Whatever translates the meaning of fun to you, do it. New possibilities and opportunities will be presented to you. If you felt weak and uninspired lately, your energy levels will soar this week. Nature has done wonders to our souls and this week, I encourage you to step out and connect with the natural world. Your passion levels may also run high.

May these messages serve you well.

Om Namah Shivaya

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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