New Moon in Capricorn on 24th January 2020


The first New Moon after the recent lunar eclipse is occurring on the 24th of January in the sign of Capricorn (Vedic astrology). Capricorn is going to be one busy sign this New Moon with Sun, Saturn, and Mercury joining the Moon. I drew some cards for us as a collective to see what energy will be at play. Do bear in mind that how exactly the New Moon will affect you will depend on where Capricorn is in your natal chart. Through a Tarot reading, we are tuning into the overall collective energy only.






New Moon is a period of releasing the old to make space for the new. This New Moon cycle, we are being urged to invest our time in self-care practices and rest. It is very much about slowing down and taking care of our bodies and needs. Isn’t it wonderful how nature gives us the opportunity to recharge our tired bodies and soothe our frazzled nerves every month? We are not oblivious to the fact that Moon’s energy affects our planet and our bodies, too.  Take a moment to listen to what your body and soul is asking you to do.



The zodiac of Capricorn has a penchant for being a workaholic. We get so focused on our material and physical goals in this sign that we barely give time to ourselves or the connections in our lives. Yet, this New Moon is about giving yourself that break and enjoying your day in restful activities. It is also about saying ‘No’ to external demands which can often come from other people. You don’t have to always be there for everyone or at someone’s beck and call. You have a life, too, and this New Moon is here to help you realize that your number priority should be you and the rest can wait. So yes! Do You! (I will not be taking up any private readings or healing sessions on this day. I listen to my cards, Ha!).






Digging a little deeper, I drew some Tarot cards as well. The 6 of pentacles showed up as the energy of this New Moon. The first thing that comes to mind is the theme of charity. Charity is not just an act that we perform to feel good about ourselves as humans but it allows us to balance the ratio of giving and taking in our lives. You have heard the saying – The more we give, the more we get. There is a lot of truth in that statement. Try to make a donation or help out a cause you support this New Moon. I am sensing that many of you who are experiencing financial blocks will hugely benefit from donating something this New Moon. It doesn’t have to be money. It can be old clothes or items that you are not using anymore. It can be buying lunch or dinner for a homeless person. Or, anything that you can personally do from a place of no expectations. Try it and not only will you be inviting divine assistance in your own life but also clearing some karmic debts.



The positive side of this New Moon is the 9 of pentacles card. We already touched on the theme of self-care and rest which the 9 of pentacles embodies earlier in the post. In addition to this, I will add that being in touch with nature and spending time outdoors, breathing in the fresh air will also do you a whole world of good. Capricorn is an earth sign and with the 9 of pentacles, we are literally being told to get grounded and soak in the healing power of mother earth. Spend time in your garden, go to a park, go on a hike or a trek if time and resources allow you to do so. Plan a date with yourself. Indulge in therapeutic activities and if your finances allow, pamper yourself with some luxurious treatments. Something else that I am picking on here is financial stability and assistance coming to some of you in unexpected ways. This will be deeply linked with your actions from the past.




The negative side to this New Moon cycle is depicted by the 8 of swords card. 8 is the number of Saturn – a planet that most people dread for its notoriety in making things harder for us by dishing out painful and difficult lessons. I feel this New Moon phase could give rise to anxiety, depression, and low vibrational thoughts. Our minds may feel unsettled and restlessness could arise for many. We may place too much focus on negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs. There is a sense of feeling restricted in life. Maybe, we may feel like we aren’t doing enough for ourselves and don’t know how to break free and move ahead in life. Headaches could be very common as well and I believe Sun and Mercury together could be the cause of this. You see, this is where self-care comes into play.



Every situation has a plus side and a minus side to it and this New Moon, my friends, don’t let negative thoughts engulf your minds. The cards are showing us that our mind could trick us into feeling helpless, victimized, and alone. But are we really as helpless as we imagine ourselves to be? Be aware of such thoughts and stop them in their tracks.



Looking at the bigger picture friends, this New Moon phase is giving us the chance to break out of limiting beliefs and get practical with our goals and life purpose. But in order to do this, we must rest, regroup our energies and prepare to start from a fresh mindset. Listen to your body, drink loads of water to stay hydrated, support people and causes in whatever way you can and gift yourself some me-time.



I hope this post will serve helpful and bring you insights.


Om Namah Shivaya

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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