Pick a card for a message

Hello Sweet Souls!



In the mood for a message? Pick a card that you feel drawn to from the image below and scroll down to read the message. I am using the ‘Everyday Witch Oracle cards’ today to share some intuitive messages. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.





Private readings will be available after the 24th of January, 2020. To book a reading, send me a DM or write to [email protected].




















If you chose the first card, you are most likely going through a phase of healing. This waning moon phase brings to you the opportunity to pause and give yourself time to grieve any losses and heal from any setbacks that you may have recently encountered. Your body may be urging you to rest and detach from all heavy-duty activities. You need warmth, support and maybe even cuddles. Loads of cuddles. Lucky for you, you are not alone. Support is available to you in the form of your human companions such as friends, family or even your pets. Do not shy away from seeking this support right now. Resist the temptation to enter your shell and completely isolate yourself. Instead, allow yourself to be looked after, loved and assisted.




At your earliest convenience, smudge your space and organize your living quarters. In most parts of the world, this is winter time and it will help to bring some solar energy into your space as well. Light beautiful vibrant candles around you and snuggle with a good book. Take frequent naps if that is what you feel like doing for the next few days. Cut off distractions and demands that steal your energy and add no meaning to your life. This phase is only temporary and it is needed so that you can drop the old and renew your energy to welcome the new. Do not be in a rush to bury your feelings. Take all the time you need to feel better and rejuvenated. You will thank yourself later for giving yourself this break.





If you chose the second card, you, my friend, are over and done with an old way of living and ready for new adventures. Life is steering you in a new direction and what you once knew, wanted, or identified with is or will slowly fade away into oblivion, opening you to wonderful new vistas and opportunities. This is a time when you are urged to release the old painful memories and stop singing the same old tune. I also sense that some of you may be trying to reinvent yourself and, in the process, could go for a complete makeover that redefines how you look and present yourself to the world. Either way, confidence and trust are the keys that will unlock new doors for you right now.



As you move through this new chapter of life that is beginning to unfold, say hello to new connections, friendships, and experiences. Travel and explore more at every chance you can get and be willing to experiment. Dare yourself to do things that you previously couldn’t find time for or procrastinated. Don’t worry about the final destination yet as life is magically carrying you forward towards a new yet important part of your journey. Something bigger and better is out there and you must trust that the story of your life is not over, even if you have grown considerably in age. This is a time where a bold attitude will be your friend. I also sense that you have grown spiritually and are ready to cast aside old beliefs in exchange for new ones. Enjoy the journey and be curious. Let life bring sweet surprises your way.

Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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