Weekly Tarotscopes for 27th January to 2nd February, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,



Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 27th January to 2nd February 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.


These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective. If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries via the Contact page or visit the ‘Buy a Tarot reading‘ section of my website.






Ariens, this week the focus is on skill-building. Practice makes perfect so don’t give up and identify where you need to improve yourself and keep working on it. Your talent may also be put to test this week, so give every small or big work that you do, nothing but your best. This looks like a busy week for many of you. More efforts need to go into your goals and desires. Do not get distracted by worries, doubts, or even temporary pleasures. Be in the flow and keep going.



Taureans, a positive week lies ahead for your zodiac. I sense togetherness, reconciling of any differences and coming together of the opposites. This week’s energy is positive for relationships, partnerships, and new alliances. Spend more time with those you love and engage in some fun activities. Something will be illuminated for you this week. Confidence will act your strength so don it with grace. Be willing to express your emotions more openly and fully.




Gemstars, this week is bursting with new possibilities and brings to you the chance to start afresh. Inspiration is knocking on your door. There is an opportunity for you to wipe the old slate clean and welcome a new beginning. Take note of what you are feeling inspired to do or change this week and follow through. Many of you are likely to feel stronger, healthier, and full of life. Make use of this awesome period to do something creative and constructive.



Cancerians, this week you are being encouraged to speak and dwell in your truth. It is about honoring what feels right to you and acting upon it and saying ‘no’ to what doesn’t vibe with you on a soul level. Chances are that a situation may demand you to be blunt and honest. Do not mince your words but gently and assertively let your thoughts and intentions be known. Plenty of spiritual downloads are coming your way if you are open to receiving. Make time to listen to your inner guidance.



Leos, it may feel as though life has slowed down and things are moving at snail’s pace. However, that is far from being true. Something new and magnificent is in the process of coming to fruition soon. You are in the perfect place to create and conceptualize new ideas and give birth to new beginnings. Rest, nurture yourself and patiently wait for this new beginning to burst forth. Staying grounded will be very important this week. Meditate to feel rooted with mother earth and remove yourself from the mind and be more present in your body.



Virgos, be led by logic and reasoning this week. Some matters could bring confusion and you may be doing a lot of thinking. Cut through the illusions and rise above the mental fog. Find answers to confusing concepts and rely on facts when making decisions. If you are finding it hard to do this on your own, employ the guidance of an expert who can objectively help you see past the confusion. It is also important to make time for activities this week that make your soul sing. Don’t forget to live your life to the fullest.




Librans, this week is about doing the work. In order to see consistent results, it is important to consistently deliver and do what you must. Tend to the garden of your ambitions. Water the soil of your imagination with hope, positive affirmations and take constructive action steps where necessary. You are on the right path and your efforts will not go unrewarded. What you do now will be contributing to your overall growth so get busy in a good way. Many of you will be witnessing some results of your hard work bear fruit, this week.



Scorpios, the Universe supports you in all your positive endeavors and this week, you are being asked to have faith and take action. Do not wait for the right time to do things. It may never feel like the timing is right. Do what you must now, use all your resources and skills and have faith in your abilities. Confidence will be key to your victory this week. Be early to bed and early to rise and start your day on a positive note. Set the right intentions and use affirmations that inspire hope and positivity each day. The Universe is also guiding you to take at least one selfless action step this week that makes a difference in someone else’s life.



Archers, this week is about facing your fears boldly, breaking free from all unhealthy attachments and stepping into your power. What is that one thing in your life at this time that is negatively affecting your well-being? What addiction or unhealthy pattern do you need to break free from? Take time to ponder and know that you have the power to overcome even the biggest obstacles right now if your will is strong. Another piece of advice to some of you is to stop trying to save people who don’t want to be saved and to mind your own growth and business for now.



Capricorns, sometimes, the best action step that you can take is to surrender and go with the flow. There is much power in non-action and by not forcing something to happen, you increase its chances and pace of manifestation. Be in that place of calm surrender this week and act from a place of non-attachment. Many of you will be witnessing divine magic taking place in your life this week. Expect the unexpected to happen (in a good way) and welcome pleasant surprises. Trust the Universe to bring you supportive gifts, solutions and even make the impossible possible.



Aquarians, our imagination can both be a blessing as well as a curse sometimes. It is up to you on how you use it. This week, be mindful of escapism, especially through unhealthy means. Do not use any item or thing as a crutch to escape reality. Watch out for tendencies of self-harm through emotional eating, excessive drinking or any other activity that can lower your vibration. Incorporate healthy practices and stay active. Some of you could feel excessively sleepy or may not be getting enough rest. Bring balance where necessary and support yourself through healthy means.




Pisceans, move with gentleness and resist the temptation to be aggressive and demanding this week. You may feel as though a boisterous approach is needed to get things moving this week but the opposite is true. Peace, tranquility, and quietude will do your soul a whole world of good. Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life such a tea date with friends, a walk in the park, watching the sunset and cozying on your couch with a good book and a hot cuppa. Progress comes through self-care and slowing down this week.


Om Namah Shivaya 







Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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