Self-Empowerment Guidance Series Day 1 – 14th February, 2020

Happy Valentines Day, Gorgeous Souls!




I thought, why not start this Valentine’s by focusing on something that we all must make a priority in our life – Self-love and Self-empowerment. And so for the next 7 days, let us be guided to consciously work towards something in our life that can help us resolve those pestering blocks that stand in our way and stall our progress. Follow the cues and do your best to fulfill the guidance shared here. Let us co-create a fulfilling life in partnership with this wondrous Universe.



Examine Unfinished Business + 6 of wands



Often, we start a task with full enthusiasm but fail to see it through till the end. We get distracted or fall victim to procrastination. Sometimes, we’re just too lazy to do what we must and that is where one of our biggest blocks lies.



Today, on Day 1 of our self-empowerment series, we are being guided to examine all unfinished business in our life. What can you fix or complete, today? What is that one task that you have been pushing in the back burner for a while now? Or, what is that task or goal that you have been telling yourself that you will accomplish but haven’t?





It can be something small or something big. The idea is that you get into the habit of finishing what you start. The lesson or medicine here is that you consciously and perhaps through a little effort and self-motivation, work on tying up all the loose ends that are dangling on your to-do list and causing you unnecessary stress. You don’t have to do it all in one go if that is not possible. Tackle at least one task that you can finish today and continue to follow up on others with dedication and discipline.



For some of you, a deeper message lies in the cards. This message has to do with receiving closure. Sometimes, we wait for closure to find us as though it is something that will be divinely handed to us at a chosen point of time in the future. While there is some truth in this, you must also consider that often, by staying stuck and not putting in a conscious effort to move forward, you are blocking your own progress.



Don’t wait for closure. Make it happen by taking charge of your life, owning this moment and deciding to invest in self-growth and your happiness. No one will come and do it for you so you better get serious and get going.







The 6 of wands energy from the gorgeous Light Seer’s Tarot deck is one that emanates victory, success, and a sense of accomplishment. After you are done finishing at least that one task that was hanging loose for a while, you will experience a sense of joy and victory. Pat yourself on the back and celebrate. Every big or small achievement calls for a celebration.




Once you start examining and finishing unfinished businesses in your life, the 6 of wand promises you victory and progress. So keep going and keep growing.




Om Namah Shivaya


Each day, for the next 7 days, I wish to focus on themes that will help us empower ourselves, become more productive, heal, and grow. I am working with Tarot + Oracle cards to give us a sense of direction and divinely guided nudges to take the first steps on this path. Join me in consciously creating your own success, overcoming blocks through the sheer power of self-motivation and efforts. I hope you will find this little endeavor valuable. 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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