Self-Empowerment Guidance Series Day 2 – 15th February, 2020

Hello Beautiful Souls,



Welcome to the second day of the self-empowerment guidance series. I hope you took the time to reflect on Day 1’s message and managed to finish at least one unfinished task from your schedule.



Today, our message is to ‘Appreciate Everything‘ alongside the Magician card. Do you often take the time to appreciate the blessings in your life or have you grown accustomed to taking things for granted? What can you appreciate in your life today? Say it out loud that you appreciate this thing, situation or person. Take note of the objects that you once wanted to possess badly, touch them and state that you are grateful to have successfully manifested it.






Appreciation and gratitude are both the magical ingredients that help us attract more blessings and things to be appreciative and grateful for. Whereas complaining brings stress, lowers our energy and attracts more situations in our life that make us want to complain. This may sound like a no brainer, but how many of us are truly putting this quality into practice and weaving magic into our lives? How often do we stop by to relish and cherish the beautiful things that life has gifted us instead of constantly focusing on things that we don’t have?



Even the challenges that we face help us grow and learn valuable life lessons. If someone never touched fire, they wouldn’t know what it can do. And so, bless your challenges and give gratitude to everything that is going on in your life right now, good or bad. That is how you transmute negative emotions and your positivity will open new doors and pave the path for divinely guided steps.








Besides being in the energy of appreciation, today (and every day), be conscious of the energy and thoughts that you put into situations and your own life. It is a simple law – what you give out (energy-wise) is what you create. You are continuously co-creating with the words you use and the feelings you feel. Therefore, charge everything with positive intentions and affirmations. Feel it, live it, breathe it even if it appears silly at first.



Today, put conscious effort into transmuting negative emotions and blessing every situation that presents itself in your life. It may seem challenging at first but remember, you are what you think and feel. Tie in yesterday’s guidance of finishing unfinished tasks along with being grateful for what you have and conscious of what you give out energetically. Create what you want, not what you fear.



Om Namah Shivaya


Each day, for 7 days, I wish to focus on themes that will help us empower ourselves, become more productive, heal, and grow. I am working with Tarot + Oracle cards to give us a sense of direction and divinely guided nudges to take the first steps on this path. Join me in consciously creating your own success, overcoming blocks through the sheer power of self-motivation and efforts. I hope you will find this little endeavor valuable. 


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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