Self-Empowerment Guidance Series Day 4 – 17th February, 2020

Use Your Wisdom + Page of Swords 




Our message on day 4 is guiding us to start applying our wisdom, that inner knowing in our life situations. We are a product of our experiences and we keep learning and growing through our experiences. You have already learned a great deal from your past but are you fully using those learnings in your present life? Or, do you keep going round and round in circles, inviting the same repetitive patterns and making the same old mistakes?



We are also being encouraged to explore and experiment with new techniques and ideas that aid us in our personal growth and development. What works for someone else may not work for you. This doesn’t mean there is no solution or guidance available to you. Be curious to learn new techniques and find new solutions through books, coaching classes, workshops, and of course, our best friend, Google. We must make time to keep learning and growing. Not get complacent with where we are.






Today, pick up one book that you have been meaning to read or research one topic that can serve useful to you. Instead of spending minutes and hours scrolling through newsfeeds and filling your mind with meaningless information, invest time and give your attention to content that can actually bring you valuable insights and wisdom.



Wisdom also lives within us. Yes, some of us are blessed to be wise souls walking this planet but that doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t have access to inner wisdom. There is a pool of collective consciousness that we can always tap into but for this, you must still your mind and invite wisdom to come to you. Today, take a few moments of silence, light up a candle if it helps to add to the atmosphere and gets you in the zone and put out the intention to receive wisdom and guidance.






Trust the inklings in your heart. Listen to the gentle voice within. Borrow from your own sense of knowing. Be honest with yourself and others about what you can do and can’t. Make room for the Divine hand to participate and play in your life. Make more time to meditate and silence the chitter-chatter of the mind for not every thought you think is important or true. You are capable of making wise decisions and living a conscious life. Just pay attention to the right things.


Om Namah Shivaya


Each day, for 7 days, I wish to focus on themes that will help us empower ourselves, become more productive, heal, and grow. I am working with Tarot + Oracle cards to give us a sense of direction and divinely guided nudges to take the first steps on this path. Join me in consciously creating your own success, overcoming blocks through the sheer power of self-motivation and efforts. I hope you will find this little endeavor valuable. 


Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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