Weekly Tarotscopes for April 6th to 12th, 2020

Hey Gorgeous Souls,




Thank you for being here! Below are some messages and insights for the week of 6th to 12th April, 2020. The reading was done keeping your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs in mind so feel free to check for all three.



These are general messages for all zodiac signs as a collective so take what resonates and leave the rest. I have been as honest as I can be with the insights and as you can tell, they are not sugar-coated. Please bear in mind that the messages are indicative of the general energies and not everything will make sense to everyone. The idea is to move with awareness.



If you would like to book a personal reading, you can send your inquiries to [email protected] or DM me on my social media handles.






Ariens, you may be dealing with someone this week who may want to part ways with you or choose a different direction. A connection or commitment may undergo changes and someone may try to get away with lame excuses. Spirit advises that this is part of your growth and evolving. As one thing draws an end, something new will emerge in its place. You will gain experience and a valuable lesson too in the process. Extra caution is advised when it comes to where you put your faith and whom you trust. The energy of gossip surrounds you. Financial gains may come from past efforts. Avoid overextending yourself physically, mentally or emotionally this week. Neck and leg issues may bother some.





Taureans, this week calls for self-care and taking that extra time to invest in your well-being and maintenance. Being in touch with nature will also do your body and soul a whole world of good. Attraction and sensual desires are on the cards. Someone may express them towards you or you may express them towards another. Slow down and tend to your bodily needs. Work will also need attention this week so do not put it on the back burner or take things lightly at work. You will also be done with a difficult part of a matter and Situations are looking brighter and better. This week, you may have to take a chance on something, Taureans. Put your creative energies to good use. Weight loss/gain is possible so take care of your diet. Stay fit and active and don’t get into the habit of leading a sedentary lifestyle.



Gemstars, you may be dealing with some tough people this week and it is likely that disappointment and sorrow may come from others as well. This week also asks you to remain logical and reasonable when dealing with important matters. Do not let emotions get the best of you. Matters related to an older man or a woman will be of importance. Spirit is also asking you to stop being too tough on yourself and be considerate of others’ feelings when you speak. Your communication style may come across as harsh and bitter to some so take care when you speak and the choice of words you use. Do not strain your back too much. Headaches or heavy-headedness may disturb some.



Cancerians, there is light at the end of the tunnel and many of you are transitioning from a place of darkness towards light. Yet, this week you may experience pain and discomfort as you prepare for this transition. If a pressing matter has been creating worries in your life, this week you are likely to triumph over the obstacles. Matters related to an older woman or a man with dark complexion or hair will be of importance. If you are grieving someone’s loss, it is time to work towards your healing. Your advice is to not let anyone walk all over you or take advantage of your kindness. A past-life karmic situation may be playing out in your life right now. When it comes to your well-being, dependency issues and emotional turmoil could create challenges this week. There could be resistance towards letting go of the past that needs to be addressed.



A positive week is in store for you Lions and Lionesses as blessings and sweet surprises make their way into your life. You are rising above an icky situation and an emotional cleansing is taking place for you, Leos. A wish may come true this week and you may even receive a gift. Perhaps, a gift from the Universe that puts you in a happy and grateful place. A successful outcome or answer is also coming your way with respect to a problematic situation. Do not give yourself or your emotions where it is not valued or reciprocated. Up your water intake this week and stay hydrated. Pregnancy-related matters will be of importance too at this time for some. Tend to your emotions but don’t let them get the best of you. If you feel like crying your heart out, just do so.




Virgos, this week you may feel defeated. A situation, mostly to do with finances, could create stress and mental exhaustion. It may feel like you are fighting a lost battle. However, a new beginning is on the horizon. Despite some things going awry, a stressful situation is drawing an end. You must consciously work towards raising your vibration and staying optimistic as too many negative influences or thoughts could circle around you. There is hope and things will get better. Don’t lose faith. An important piece of news could reach you as well. Some of you may experience backaches, neck or lower hip aches, which will need attention. The most important battle that you will have to fight this week though is the one against negative thoughts and energies.



Librans, it is time to loosen up a little and have fun. You may be holding onto some things too tightly that could be blocking the flow of energy and positivity in your life. This could be a grudge or a disappointment about a matter that did not go as per your plans or an issue from your past. Insecurities and fear could be crippling your confidence and Spirit is advising you to let go, relax and maintain a positive stance. On the brighter side, recognition and happiness are likely to arrive in your life this week. You may even get in touch with some friends who could help raise your energy and bring a sense of joy. Work on healing your heart chakra at this time as there are some blocked emotions that need addressing. Overcome your fears and do not cling onto non-beneficial energy or situation.



Scorpios, this week may bring some emotional and mental losses due to conflict with others. Watch your back and don’t trust others blindly. Someone may behave selfishly and unethically and perhaps even let you down. Someone may even try to bully around and it is best to avoid this person if you can or deal wisely with this person. It is also advisable to not raise your expectations of others and to remain grounded and look out for yourself. Avoid arguments where you can by picking your battles carefully. Take care of your finances, Scorpios or you may feel a pinch. Health also needs attention. Stay hydrated.



Sagittarians, divine support is available to you and will show up to assist you in a difficult circumstance. Spirit wants you to know that you are not alone and be open to accepting help in all forms, although you may feel alone and detached from everyone and everything around you. This week, time spent in solitude and meditation to find answers and insights. Take a break if you must from any intense situation that could be draining you. Many of you may feel this sense of detachment due to disappointment in a lover or a friend. Someone in your life may also be behaving very coldly which could dampen your mood. Protect your energy and also take good care of your health as many under your zodiac are likely to feel under the weather. Build up your immunity. Neck issues and joint aches could bother some.




Capricorns, this week calls for rest and taking a break from situations and slowing down the pace of life. Even if you have been resting physically, many of you are advised to take a mental break as well. Some situations could be giving you too much stress. Instead of worrying too much, practice surrendering. Commune with the divine through prayer or meditation and focus on creating peace and balance in your life. Some tempting situations may put you to test this week, Capricorns. Choose your actions keeping the bigger picture and what is important to you, in mind. Do not jeopardize your commitments for temporary relief. A romantic or business commitment may take place as well for some. Backaches could create trouble for some and some of you may even take to bed rest. Health needs your full attention this week, Cappies.




Aquarians, a week to remain grateful and share your gratitude, love, and kind gestures with others. A week to pause and make time to appreciate the beauty, bounty, and honor the beautiful connections in your life, especially with family and elders. Your relationship with a young person could be of importance this week or if you are that young person, perhaps your relationship with an older person in your life could come under the spotlight. Inner child healing is possible and you may even feel like engaging with the childlike quality within you. Hardwork needs to be applied where necessary this week but don’t forget to make time for lighthearted activities as well. Work closely with flowers and flower essences this week. Do something for old people and donate to old age homes.



Pisceans, this week you are urged to display courage and strength in all your dealings. Caution, care, and shrewdness need to be applied in business and financial matters, else you risk losing or having an unsuccessful outcome. Some of your plans may not go as per your expectations and may require more refinement and clarity. Do not get entangled in situations that are non-beneficial and unproductive. Some of you must watch against a shrewd individual this week who may create unnecessary hurdles in your life. Take some time to ground your energy and treat yourself to all the goodness that life has to offer to you right now. Spend more time close to nature or in your garden. Uncomplicate your life so that you can avoid feeling trapped and live more freely and peacefully.


|| Om Namah Shivaya ||

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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