A New Moon in Cancer Reading for the Collective

Hey Beautiful Souls,



It has been a while since I posted on the website. What better day to start again than the New moon today which is occurring in the zodiac of Cancer.


Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac which is ruled by the Moon itself and therefore Moon feels comfortable and at home here. Moon is a ruler of the mind and in Cancer’s watery realm, it affects our emotions, relationships, and our sense of security. How this New Moon will individually affect us all can further be determined by looking at our birth charts and how other planetary placements are affecting it. In this post, I have set the intention to receive a collective message for us all using mt trusty Rider-Waite deck.





I love working with different Tarot spreads from time to time and today, I am using a spread that I found online at aceofstartarot.com. The positions are as follows:



1. What emotions are surfacing for us as a collective? The Devil 
2. What is weighing us down as a collective? 5 of cups 
3. What changes in our homes will nourish us? Page of swords 
4. What changes in our relationships will nourish us? 10 of pentacles 
5. How can we connect with deep bliss? The Emperor



The Devil card is showing us that we are experiencing a sense of entrapment in our lives as a collective. Fear, negative emotions, relationship issues, addictions, and other non-beneficial energies are holding us back from being in a positive and high-vibrational state of being. When it comes to our relationships, we may be too engulfed in seeing life through our own perspective, ignoring or undermining the needs and perspectives of our partner or the people we live with. Negative attitudes could be creating disruptions and discomfort in our daily life.


The Devil also indicates being trapped in a toxic relationship. We know something or someone is not right or good for us. We know that we ought to be treated differently and that we deserve more love and understanding, yet, a strong cord of co-dependency, attachment and obsession could be keeping us from choosing or even perceiving what is right for us.


This could stem from our past failures and experiences in life as indicated by the 5 of cups card. We may be failing to see life in a positive light and focusing too much on past losses, hurt, and disappointments. We, as a collective, must work on motivating ourselves to see the blessings in the midst of chaos. We must learn to work with what we have than crave for what has gone missing. The 5 of cups shows a deep lack of gratitude. It points towards our attitude which may have become too negative in nature. Are we to be blamed? With the current pandemic where we, as a collective, are experiencing a wave of trepidation and fear, we must understand that the only way to rise above all of this to muster our inner strength and make good use of our resources and what is within our reach.


I do not want to instill fear in some of you reading this, but this could also be a time where depression and suicidal thoughts could be at an all-time high. There are always alternatives and solutions to work things out. Seek help and commit to your betterment, if you are failing to gain perspective in life.



The Page of swords today to me is speaking of constant quarrels and lack of smooth communication. What changes do we need to make in our domestic lives? Communicate lovingly and clearly. Do not be ready to rage a war or act defensively towards others. Do not take the trusty people in your lives for granted. Think your thoughts through and speak and act from a place of maturity and understanding. Let go of juvenile arguments and try to put your swords down when having a discussion.


The 10 of pentacles is such a homely card that reminds us of the importance of respecting the good people in our lives and being generous and caring towards those who matter, especially our parents, caregivers, and companions. A sense of unity and togetherness is what will see us through tough times. During this lunar cycle, work towards mending your relationships with your loved ones. Check up on those who matter and instill faith. Make wise financial decisions keeping the future and security of your family in mind. Elders or aged members may need more attention and love during this time.


How can we deeply connect with our bliss? Though normally the Emperor is said to represent the ego, in today’s reading, Spirit is saying that by being in control of our emotions and taking charge of our lives, we display the strength of our own spirit. Instead of feeling weary and uninspired, take responsibility for self, and start strengthening your foundations. This starts, primarily, through taking care of body, mind, and then the material aspects of our life.


Alternatively, we must learn to release our frustrations and anger by channeling it in a way that doesn’t cause irreparable damage to us and those around us. We must bank on all those wise experiences and learnings from our lives that have shaped us positively as individuals. We must focus on creating more security for ourselves with whatever talents and experiences we have gathered. Most importantly, get in touch with your body and self. Heal your root chakra for this is the seat of your sense of security, home, and survival. Work with the positive qualities of the color red which is passion (in right doses), strength, vitality, energy, and sensuality (get that flow of oxytocin going through healthy forms of seeking pleasure).


These are some of my thoughts today on the cards and messages that I wish to share with you on this New Moon in Cancer. Do bear in mind that this is a reading for the collective so take what resonates and leave the rest.



Sending you heaps of love and wishing you good health.


Sonya Singh
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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