Daily Tarot Message for 15th September, 2020

This is a message for us as a collective and it is my intention that it reaches whoever is in need of it today (or, whenever anyone is guided to read this post).



Tension is in the air, today. Some battles are worth fighting while some are not. It is up to us to determine which ones are worth our time and when to walk away from a situation before it drains the energy out of us. A situation may create a sense of betrayal or embarrassment for us. We may feel hopeless because of someone else’s actions or our own. I am also sensing ‘unethical victory’ in some cases.


Spirit is guiding us to not lose sight of our bigger goals and to keep the faith in our own abilities to create the life we want. Our will power could be tested today yet, we are guided to not lose our confidence and belief in self. Also, have the courage to walk away from toxic situations and ties. Do not give more power to negative situations by further engagement.





Our guidance card for today is ‘Positive Expectations’. When going through crisis, our thoughts often turn dark and negative. In times like these, it can be difficult for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, consciously program your mind to think and focus on the positive. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us move through challenging times and today, we are encouraged to make time for prayer and open our arms to receiving support from the divine. No problem is too big or small for Divine intervention.


When it comes to our general health and well-being, we may experience emotional or mental disturbance. Some of us may experience bouts of depression as well. Melancholia needs to be dealt with in a safe and healthy manner. Adopt healthy coping mechanisms. Say ‘NO’ to any form of bullying and stand up for yourself. Find ways to remain mentally strong.



May these insights serve you well. To book a Tarot reading or a distance healing session, send me a DM or write to [email protected].


Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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