Angel Guidance for 9th to 15th November, 2020 – Pick a card

Beautiful Souls!


It has been a while since I posted ‘Pick a card’ readings and this week, I was guided by Archangel Gabriel to write a post for the upcoming week. So here we go!

All you have to do is take a few calming breaths, set an intention to receive a message that aligns with you and can support you for the upcoming week, and pick a card from the image below. Once this is done, scroll down to read the messages for your chosen card or number.

I have shared an in-depth reading and it is possible that some things may not make sense now or only part of the message may find resonance with you. Whatever the case, take what is meant for you and what resonates with your soul. Come back to this post later at the end of the week and take note of what helped.

It is my sincere intention that these messages bring you strength, guidance, and insights. If it feels like the messages are written for you, then trust that they are. It is simply how the divine collective energy works. Even if the messages don’t make sense, enjoy the read and derive the positives.


My working style is similar to writing these posts and I would love to help you find guidance or clarity in the perplexing matters of life. If you would like to work with me, send me a message on any of my social media platforms that you follow or write me an e-mail to [email protected].

Wishing you a blessed weekend and the upcoming week ahead. Now, if you are done picking your card, let’s get to your message, shall we?


If you were drawn to card 1, here are your messages for the week ahead.


Archangel Gabriel brings to you the message of ‘Leadership’. We all, from time to time, experience an emotional low, and begin doubting our capabilities. Let us admit – we live in a competitive world and sometimes if we don’t stand up for ourselves, we risk losing golden opportunities and tapping into situations that can further us on our path of progress. Your guidance this week is to stand up for yourself, muster the courage, take up new responsibilities, and assume the role of a leader. To some, this may mean taking the lead where career and work-related matters are concerned and to some, this may be a push to stop playing it small and display confidence and courage in personal affairs.

I am seeing some of you rising like the phoenix from the ashes and experiencing victory and progress in the material world. There is a sense of accomplishment and you are protected against all harm and external factors that can weaken or threaten your position. Some of you may receive a promotion or emerge victoriously. Some may move to the next level of doing things and assume the role of guiding and leading others. Whatever the case, don’t hold back. This is your time to rise.

Emotionally, though, this week may throw up some challenges as I am seeing discords and misunderstandings arising in your personal affairs. This could leave you feeling emotionally confused and exhausted. Some of you need to review your friendships and associations this week. A friend or someone in your circle is not to be trusted and could be acting in deceptive manners. Be wary of false flattery and wrong influences. When in doubt, it is best to take your time and then decide. Stay calm and contemplate your actions and decisions. Do not act in haste by saying or doing things, which may later lead to unpleasant consequences.

Where health and well-being are concerned, this week carries potent healing energy. If you think you need healing or recovery, take the time and the steps to work towards your well-being. In some cases, some of you are being urged to take the right medical advice and follow the protocols. Bring more balance to your life and heal from addictions that are impeding your growth and well-being. More time will be needed to fully heal and recover, but you are on the right path. Call on the assistance of the Divine helpers and the Angels to guide you in the right direction.

If you were drawn to card 2, here are your messages for the week ahead.


Archangel Jeremiel brings to you the message of ‘Life Review’ for this week. There is no point in holding regrets and constantly complaining about life. Instead, we must work on identifying the unhelpful patterns that are time and again leading us to the same sorry place and breaking them so that we can witness a different outcome. This week, you are being urged to look back on life patterns and choices that have been holding you back from moving forward, making progress, and leading a fuller and joyful life. Make changes now so that you can experience better and desirable results in the future. Take charge and eliminate habits that are coming in the way of your happiness.

In the material world, things may move slowly this week. There is a possibility that finances or businesses may feel stuck or move at a snail’s pace. Do not let this stress you out too much. Take this time to review your plans and strategies. Plant the right seeds now to reap a good harvest in time. This week requires you to make better financial decisions or hold back from making any decisions at all if you seem to lack clarity. Even if progress seems halted, for the time being, you seem to be in a protected place. You still have enough to get through this temporary period and soon, things will begin moving. Focus your energy in the right direction.

Emotionally, this week holds the energy of love, togetherness, and fresh starts. A chance meeting with someone brings positive results. A new friendship or seeking support from your loved ones can bring you harmony and reassurance. This week, you are encouraged to go out on dates, meet new people, make new friends or catch up with old ones, or, in case you are already in a happy harmonious connection, to plan a little something special with your partner. Support those you love or seek support from them. Emotional healing and deepening of bonds are possible now.

A short journey of some kind is also indicated this week which could open new vistas and welcome a fresh start. Pay attention to the creative ideas you are receiving now and act upon them.

Where health, healing, and well-being are concerned, you must keep a tab on your stress and anger levels. Many may experience frustration and angst. Learn to adopt healthy coping strategies to deal with irritation and keep your calm instead of snapping at others. If you are wanting to heal or recover from something, remember –  you hold the power and possess the strength to rise over any difficulty. A strong will and determination can help you overcome many hurdles.


If you were drawn to card 3, here are your messages for the week ahead.

Archangel Ariel brings to you the message of ‘Courage’ this week. Where do you need to display courage this week? There is a message for you to become more focused and courageous. To believe more in self and not feel intimidated by the seeming wrongs, the pressure of life, or the unfair treatment being dished out your way. To learn to say ‘no’ to what doesn’t feel right and to say ‘yes’ to what does. Do not get bogged down or lose your mojo over life’s forever changing situations. Instead, fight back and grow from your experiences. Go after your dreams and do not let fear hold you captive.

This week, you are also being urged to seek professional support, advice, or guidance from the right sources. Turn to your guides, mentors, or people in the capacity to advise you to find guidance and uncover answers. Do not shy away from seeking help. A second opinion is needed when making important choices.

I am also sensing a learning curve showing up for many of you. This may even be quite literal, which means some of you may go back to studying a new topic or gaining more knowledge and insight on a subject. Deepen your skills, understanding, and knowledge to help you progress in the right direction. Pay more heed to advice that comes from learned and wise people and avoid rebellious ways for the time being. In some cases, you may be asked to step up and play a different role than the one you are used to. Welcome this opportunity and display your strengths.

Emotionally, all may not be too well this week. A situation may lead to disappointment or regret. Things may not go according to plan which could make you experience a low. Painful memories may resurface or an old wound may re-open. I guess this is also where Archangel Ariel is guiding you to display courage and rise above the situational crisis. Confront the pain so that you can heal and release it. Develop spiritual strength and make more time to connect with yourself.


When it comes to health and well-being, avoid overthinking things. Cold weather could bother some of you and neck issues may also trouble some. Do not sweat the small stuff and avoid acting defensively. Also, be careful of what you say as some of those words could get you into unnecessary trouble. Keep a tab on how much time you spend online on the computer or your phone.

I hope these messages serve useful and offer you the guidance you need for your highest good. Until next time.

Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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