A Thanksgiving Reading and Tarot Spread

It’s Thanksgiving time of the year! A time to count our blessings, recognize and appreciate all the good present in our life and share our gratitude for it. Of course, one should not wait until Thanksgiving each year to practice gratitude because the energy of being grateful on a consistent basis not only lifts our vibration but also helps us attract more things that we can continue to feel grateful for. It is the energy that helps us connect more deeply with our heart chakra and shifts us out of a lack-ful mentality. The more we identify and accept the things we are grateful for, the more we begin living from a place of fullness and appreciation than scarcity.


I wanted to share a Thanksgiving reading on the blog today with a spread I found online (unfortunately, I do not have information on who created this spread). You may want to give this spread a try or read the collective reading below to see if there are any messages or insights for you. The positions of the spread are as follows and I am going to share my thoughts on the cards below. I am using the Green Witch Tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1 – The blessings you have – Six of pentacles 

Card 2 – What you should be grateful for – Six of Athames (6 of swords)
Card 3 – The best way to celebrate Thanksgiving – Eight of Athames (8 of swords)
Card 4 – Situations or actions to avoid – Five of Athames (5 of swords)

There is a predominance of sword cards in this reading which tells us that there is a lot going on mentally that we must pay attention to. That a shift is needed in how we think and communicate with the world outside and with ourselves, this Thanksgiving.

The six of pentacles card speaks to us about counting the blessings we have in our lives in the form of people, community, and our support system. We have all experienced a wonky year yet there have been times when people have come through to support us. Resources have been made available to us to keep us going. Perhaps these resources took the form of money, guidance, motivation, collaborations, etc. Look at your life to see where in this past year you received support in the nick of time. Who contributed to your well-being and growth. Send them a ‘Thank you’ note or text.


The second card, the six of athames, in conjunction with the first tells us that even though we have encountered losses, disappointments, and rejections in some area of our life, we found the strength within to pull through and make it this far. Maybe you have lost things. Yet, there is a boat and horse in this card to show that you are moving towards a fresh start. You may have had to say goodbye to things that you were used to but the experiences you have gained in the process are valuable and will equip you on your journey further on.

The best way to celebrate this Thanksgiving is shown by the 8 of Athames. This is a card the points at feeling limited and the inability to see the blessings present around us. Life may have put us through limiting situations and circumstances. There may have been situations around that made us feel all tied up. Yet, have we really been looking at our environment and the possibilities that still exist for us? The hedgehog in this card stands as symbolism to showcase defensiveness. Have we become too guarded and isolated from the world around us? (The lockdown this year has forcefully brought that upon us). Have you been taking too much of personal space and distancing yourself from the world feeling reluctant to share your gifts? In some cases, we may be doubting our abilities to an extent where we could have withdrawn into a shell of self-questioning, losing confidence in who we are and what we are good at. Even if there are people around us who have failed to notice our worth and appreciate our actions, it is important that we appreciate and notice our worth.

This Thanksgiving, be Thankful to yourself and honor every aspect of your being, whether you perceive it as good or bad. Look at how far you have come and remind yourself of all the battles you have fought and emerged victorious. There surely have been situations in our life where we thought we could not surmount the obstacles. Yet, life went on and we learned things. We moved through the phase and came out stronger. Be Thankful for the strength within that helped you and use the same inner strength to break the shackles of limitations that are holding you back in your present. At the same time, do not isolate yourself this Thanksgiving. Make time to connect with the people who make your soul sing whether through technology or in person.

Finally, what situations should you avoid this Thanksgiving? The five of athames from the Green Witch Tarot speaks to me about pride and ego. The words that come to mind are ‘Stop people pleasing’. In simple words, it is important that we do not showcase pride in a wrongful manner nor do we succumb to the habit of people-pleasing in order to gain acceptance and validation. Have you been acting in a manner that is coming across as being too difficult and egoistic to others? Practice humbleness and compassion. Have you been constantly trying to accommodate the wrong types of people in your life who walk all over you or treat you in a subservient manner? Cut the cords and know that the only person you need approval from is yourself.


Sometimes, in order to avoid drama, we give in to the unreasonable demands of others. We settle for less than what we deserve and allow ourselves to be bullied by others. It is time to put an end to this behavior and start focusing on our own happiness. Do not give others the permission to take you for granted and be bold enough to walk the lonely path for now because sooner than later, your energy will attract those who honor and appreciate you once you learn to stop taking wrong from others.

I hope this Thanksgiving reading will serve as an enjoyable and insightful read. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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