Spiritual Guidance for healing and well-being for 11th to 17th January, 2021

Hey Gorgeous People!


Today, I am back with another post on the topic of well-being for the upcoming week. This is a general reading meant for us all as a collective so look for the theme and see how it fits in with your life. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

I have also written a post on the topic of Finances and Abundance and Relationships for next week. You can click on the hyperlink to access those.

This reading will make some reference to your health, however, it is not a substitute for medical advice which only a qualified practitioner can help you with. I do not claim to make any predictions or offer medical or holistic advice through this post.

If you wish to purchase a reading, visit my Services page.




Beautiful Souls! One of our core messages this week is Sobriety. Take a moment to think about where in your life you need to tackle addictions and unhealthy cravings of all kinds. This may relate to your diet but could also refer to unhealthy and destructive habits in your day to day life that could be compromising your well-being.

The Ace of pentacles in reverse shows me a couple of things in conjunction with the other cards. One, our body needs proper nourishment and care. Be careful of what you ingest to fuel your fleshly suit as stomach-related issues could be on a rise next week. Two, do not fall for expensive regimes and diet and exercise programs that promise shortcut techniques to your health and well-being. There are no shortcuts to healthy living. Only a mindful, sober, and disciplined approach brings in long-term results. Your body may be in need of more fresh, natural, and green foods to function at it’s best.




There is a message in the cards about relationships as well. Often, relationship issues can lead us toward uncontrolled and unhealthy consumption of food and beverages that impact our health. Some of us binge on unhealthy snacks and drinks to cope with emotional problems. Sometimes, we engage with people who end up leading us towards an expensive and unhealthy lifestyle. We need to be more mindful of our relationships and emotional well-being this week. The Ace of pentacles in reverse is also a reminder to not spend too much money on ordering takeaways or binging on outside food as eventually, this can deplete your financial resources.


Last but not least, write a Gratitude list. Our perspective on life can really change when we shift the focus from what we lack to what we don’t lack. Our minds are often programmed to complain about what we don’t have and about a dozen things that are not going right in our lives. Being grateful for what we do have, on the other hand, not only helps us recognize and appreciate the blessings available to us but also attracts more of it. We begin feeling good and start viewing life from a humble lens. Our mind becomes calmer, enabling us to think with clarity and equips us to make well-informed decisions that support our well-being. Take out a notepad and start writing about all the things you feel grateful for in your life at this time. Count the blessings.


I hope this message will inspire and uplift your thoughts. I hope it will make you pause and reflect on how you can do things better and support your happiness.

Wishing you a healthy and happy week ahead.

Sonya Singh 
Om Namah Shivaya 

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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