Horoscopes for 12th February, 2021

Here are bite-sized horoscopes for the day. I hope these messages will serve you well.


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Aries ~ Staying focused on your goals is important, today. Keep your eye on the prize and you will make your mark. A shift is foreseen in your career. Be open to exploring new roles and opportunities. Pay heed to the business ideas your receive. Travel is on the cards. Do not ruminate on the losses. Pick up the pieces, embrace the lesson and keep moving forward. Lucky color and number: Orange and 8.

Taurus ~ Sometimes, in order for a dream to come to fruition, one must experience a little bit of chaos. This could be the case with you, today. A partnership or agreement is likely to come to an end, today. Control your anger and do not make any hasty decisions. Do not speed or drive recklessly. The Universe is going to support you in making a wish come true. Lucky color and number: Blue & 7.

Gemini ~ Stop clinging to a situation that is failing to make you happy. Put an end to or take a break from things that are not helping your growth at this time. Leg aches may trouble some of you. Take some solo time for self-reflection. Go on a retreat or plan a peaceful getaway for the weekend. Healing is needed and if you have prayed for it, know that healing energy surrounds you now. Lucky color and number: Yellow and 6.

Cancer ~ Whom or what do you need to forgive today, Cancerians? Forgiveness is the key to your healing. Release old anger and resentment towards a situation or someone and free your heart of the burden. There are issues that need to be resolved. Be open to new possibilities and opportunities that come your way, today. Drink more water and stay active. Lucky color and number: Dark blue & 1.

Leo ~ The key to manifestation today is to let go and surrender. Release your control over things and you will see situations moving. Maintain your self-esteem and do not be tempted to lower your standards or settle for something less. Make more time for your loved ones and take care of their happiness and needs. Family togetherness is important, today. Lucky color and number: Yellow, light blue & 3.

Virgo ~  Avoid confrontation and arguments, today. Fighting will only lead to unfulfilling results. Stay calm and composed and handle your triggers well. Peace and prosperity are promised to you by the Universe, today. Summertime will be an important period for the fruition of a dream or manifestation of something you want. Lucky color and number: Dark blue & 4.


Libra ~ Widen your horizon and be open to new possibilities. Opportunities are waiting for you but you must find them. You may be narrowing down your vision or not looking beyond your comfort zone. Lack of vision or improper planning can ruin your goals. This is not a good time to enter new partnerships. A daughter or a young girl child may be of importance to some, today. Lucky color and number: Blue & 1.

Scorpio ~ Honor and respect is yours. There could be a crowning moment for you, today. This is also a lucky day for partnerships of all kinds. Some of you may find your soul-mate. A marriage proposal is likely to go through successfully or those seeking a long-term partnership may receive the right signs or meet the right person. Someone brings excitement into your life. Lucky color and number: Blonde & 6.

Sagittarius ~ Easy does it, Archers! Stop trying too hard to make things happen and let go of control to see better results. A new opportunity or a fresh start is on the cards, today. Financial gain is also foreseen. This is a good day to learn something new. A distant friend is thinking of you and you may hear from them. You too can connect with an old trusted friend. Lucky color and number: Purple & 8.

Capricorn ~ Watch your back, today. There could be a disturbance in your environment. People may act or react in selfish manners and there could be a situation that can leave you feeling emotionally jaded and drained. Trust your intuition. Your psychic abilities are enhanced. Adopt a clean vegetarian diet for the day. Adding greens to your diet will bring you more energy. Lucky color and number: Pink and 7.

Aquarius ~ You are ready to step into a new experience, Aquarians. However, before you do so, emotional healing is important at this time. Something from your past needs release. You must also work through painful emotions and find liberation. Something or someone from your past plays an important role today. You may even receive a new gift. Lucky color and number: Yellow & 2.

Pisces ~ Hard work is ahead of you, Pisceans. Manage your tasks well and brush up on your multi-tasking abilities. Do not take on more than you can handle and learn to say ‘no’ to external distractions. Money needs to be spent carefully so prioritize your needs before you make a purchase. You must also be honest with yourself, today. Admit your true feelings to self. Lucky color and number: White & 2.

Sonya Singh 
~ Om Namah Shivaya ~

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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