Free Tarot Reading Giveaway – Part 1

There has been a long-felt desire in me to write a weekly question-answer column on my blog where I take on random questions and do a short free Tarot reading for you. So think of this as a pilot blog where I will share the messages for randomly chosen questions.


As I posted this free Tarot giveaway on both Instagram and Facebook, I am taking five questions from each of the platforms. The names of the querents will not be revealed but I will post their question and date of birth so that you can identify yourself.

This is part 1 of the free reading. I will get to the rest of the questions soon.

Querent number 1

Querent 1 was born on 17.12.1982 and asks – Will things as a health coach pick up? 


Firstly, you are a combination of 8 and 4 (The Saturn and Rahu combination) as per your date of birth. Some important numbers are missing in your numerology chart, mainly the number 5 which is so important to experience stability from the lens of Numerology. It is said that 8-4’s are devoted to their parents and are very helpful by nature. They also have a bit of a control freak in them.

While your first name is set at the beautiful vibration of number 6, your full name totals to number 47 which reduces to the value to number 2. 2 is not your favorable number, and using your full name may bring unfavorable consequences to you often in life.

I will suggest a small remedy to you. Grow money plant in the North zone of your house and always carry a green hanky with you on your person. Since you have an excess of Moon energy in your number chart, donate Milk to the needy on a Monday. You can always take up a consultation for more remedies and name vibration correction that can help you.

Now getting to your Tarot question, the cards show me that this is going to be a slow year that requires you to put in more effort as a health coach. You also need to look at all the options in front of you and assess how you can work towards gaining more from this occupation. Saturn’s energy is once again present in your cards which shows me a lot of effort and delays. Overall, though, this is still a positive year for you as far as this occupation is concerned. You will gain in small ways. Perhaps more learning and experience are needed in order to make progress. Are you new to this industry or job? Would you agree that you have a lot more to learn and integrate into your practice? You will reap the rewards for the effort you put in but it will all come slowly.


This also happens to be your number 7 personal year, the year of the headless snake, Ketu. This year is about seclusion, learning, inquisitiveness, and spirituality. Turn your thoughts towards spirituality and you will gain from the Universe. It is said that number 8 people do well during their number 8 year. 2022 is your number 8 year. Here’s wishing you all the very best. Feel free to book a session or a reading, if you have more questions.

Querent number 2.

Querent 2 was born on 9.12.1972 and asks – Should I continue with the online business I started and would it grow?

Querent 2, you are a 9 – 4 combination. It is said that when a 9-4 wants to get some work done, their speech can render enough motivation and push to get the work completed. They may sound very forceful and imposing at times. 9-4’s are born soldiers and carry deep-rooted principles in life which they would not change unless they feel the need to.

I glanced your name’s vibration and your first name is set to number 8 and your full name is set to number 29. Although these numbers are not your enemy numbers, their vibrations are not positive. For instance, number 29 can give deceitful friends and treachery at the hands of the opposite sex. Name number 8 on the other hand denotes a life full of hardships as the number is ruled by Saturn.


You must donate Carrots to the needy or medicines to NGO’s or whoever is in need of it. Number 6 is missing in your chart and your name vibration must be changed to brings the beneficial qualities of Venus to attract material success and harmonious personal life. Feel free to take up a consultation on this. I strongly recommend a name correction for you.

Getting to your Tarot question, the cards show me that this online business may bring too many headaches and confusion. You asked if there is growth in this business and the cards show me struggle, disappointment, tension, and setbacks. I do not see a growth cycle for this business. It will bring you mixed results and you may often feel like you don’t even know what to focus on and what not to.

This is your number 8 year, the year of Saturn which often brings struggles, delays and obstacles and makes you work too hard. A simple remedy that I would suggest to you is to give food to crows daily and worship Lord Hanuman.

Wishing you the best!

Querent number 3


Querent number 3 was born on 12.2.1980 and asks – Will my financial situation better sooner than later?

Firstly, you are a combination of numbers 3 – 5. This is a beautiful number combination as it can make billionaires out of people who have a supporting Name number vibration. Known to be highly intelligent and business-minded, 3-5’s are considered lucky and capable of achieving huge success in life. Even competition does not stand a chance in front of these folks when they put their heart into something.

When I looked at the name you provided me, I could see a couple of issues there. Your first name is set to number 11 (not a very favorable name number) and your full name carries the vibration of number 44 which is 8 (Saturn). We have a lot of Saturn-affected people that I am reading for today. Number 11’s are often let down by their near and dear ones and become victims of betrayal. The only thing that carries them forward in life is undying faith in God. Speaking of the vibration of 44, which brings on mental and physical suffering. It can make a person very materialistic and can spoil the reputation.

Number 6 is missing in your Number chart – the number of Venus and therefore, I suggest that you light up incense at your residence, every single day or keep your surroundings deodorized. Use perfume on a daily basis. In addition to this, as this is your number 1 year, I would like you to hang a picture of the Sun in the east direction of your home. For more remedies and insights, you can always book a consultation.

Getting to your Tarot question, today, I have some good news to share. I do see a rainbow at the end of the tunnel as far as the financial situation is concerned for the rest of this year. You will gain through collaboration or partnership. A chance meeting and shaking of hands with someone could lead to improvements. Someone is coming forward to support you financially this year or offer a solution. This can be a partner, a love interest, or even a business person.


In order to do well financially, you have a lot of baggage to drop. I also see travel and movement. As I know less about your situation and only have a question to go with, I will say that if you have the opportunity to travel or relocate, do it. You must also accept defeat in some matter and move on. This is just a phase and it will pass soon. Again, I see you being supported on this journey.

Will your financial situation improve? The cards also show me that you will need to consult someone. Someone who possesses deep knowledge and can guide you in the right direction. This individual or agency could be, for example, your financial advisors. It can even be a wise individual who could offer you a way out.

Drop your worries and know that you are being supported. Accept help and await support. Take the right advice and consultation from people who can assist you in making the right financial call.

With this, I wish you luck and hope that this will help.

My beautiful readers, I still have 7 more readings to go and I will be back with you in part 2 of this post. The free reading post is still open so go on and leave your question and if I am drawn to your question, I will take it up and post your reading here.  See you soon!

Sonniyaa Singh
Sonniyaa Singh
Articles: 239

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